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Singles & Dating - 8 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I am only attracted to strong, independent men who don't really need me. I am very independent myself, and don't want to be part of one of 'those' couples. But, in general, the only guys that are ever interested in me turn out to be wimpy guys who are looking for replacement mother figures. What's the deal?

2007-01-08 15:12:15 · 11 answers · asked by spiralling 3

She did not give me any hint. I'm in a darkness.

2007-01-08 15:11:35 · 4 answers · asked by LonelyWolf 1

My boyfriend has posters of naked chicks on his walls. Does it mean anything more than that? I sort of feel upset and mad what can I do?

2007-01-08 15:10:20 · 23 answers · asked by kitty_loves_life 2

Okay so me and my girlfriend have been going out for a while, half a year-ish. Recently, me and her, and her best friend and her boyfriend (who is my good friend also) went to the movies. Me and her are normally shy, yet when she saw them making out the whole time, she probably got over it. By the time the movie ended, we were cuddled up and we had kissed many times. During the movie, I whispered "I love you" into her ear, and she replied with "I love you more" and we argued for a while on that, and finally she said "Prove it." How would I go about proving to her that I love her most. I am fine with anything she is fine with, and want the best for her. What should the next move be? I am good with the timing, but from here on out, it's all new to me. What should I do next, how can I prove it to her?

2007-01-08 15:09:41 · 17 answers · asked by Pray 2

its about this guy everyday im in class therses this guy that i like he sits across the room and i sit on the other side i always stare at him and he always stares at me but he has a gf but does that mean he likes me because he always looks at me? help

2007-01-08 15:09:41 · 7 answers · asked by cheercobras2 2

How does a girl get her first love to notice her again as a possible lover not just as a friend. I know hes single so thats not a prob

2007-01-08 15:07:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-08 15:07:08 · 8 answers · asked by kyleLvr 1

2007-01-08 15:06:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i told my cousin me and my gf made out and word eventualy spread to my gf i told some one, and she got really ticked... did i do the wrong thing by tellin somebody or was she over stressing bout it?

2007-01-08 15:05:46 · 9 answers · asked by chris 3

What are some signs that he is not happy in our relationship anymore?

2007-01-08 15:05:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so me and this guy have gone on like 3 dates. our first date we went to the movies and sat really close to eachother, we were like leaning on eachother. our second date was on new years eve we went bowling and out to dinner and then came back to my house and he was over until 2am (we were watching a movie) and then on our third date we went to another movie and came back to my house and watched a movie and sat really close together and right before he left i thought he was going to kiss me. I am not sure if he was going to but he body language made me think that he might have. so does he like me? should i tell him i like him? and if i should tell him when?

2007-01-08 15:03:37 · 14 answers · asked by Jalana 4

what do you girls do that turns you off?

2007-01-08 15:03:06 · 9 answers · asked by molly m 1

or the desperate cry of a tortured sex freak trying to get off by offending someone?

2007-01-08 15:02:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


ok lets see, i like a guy hes me friend we talk pretty well i sit next to him in a class. I used to have feelings for him but at the time he had a girlfriend. So i tried to forget about him and well i tried but i didnt seem to work, i still had feelings for him. Well he broke up with his girlfriend and we were just talking about relationships and stuff, i started hinting that i had feelings for him. He wanted me to tell him but i wouldnt because there was sometime ago that we had a disscussion that was pretty much the same except he wouldnt tell me if had feelings for me or not that day he told me he USED to have feelings for me i was shoked. Two days passed and well i had an impulsive momment and told him how i felt he was completly shoked! What i didnt know is that he was STARTING to have feelings for another girl! and that when i told him it completly confused him. He dosent talk to that other girl anymore well i think he has feelings for me what do i do? should i ask him?

2007-01-08 15:01:30 · 8 answers · asked by shygirl1124 2

i won't give you the whole story
yes we have had sex
we met on a cruise
he didn't really talk the first time during sex maybe because of nerves right?
and the second time he was really caring and constantly asked me if i was alright
we talked a lot before we even had sex ..we were friends..and he had slept over my room the night we didnt have sex and the other night when we did have sex
he wasn't with any other girls
he was very respectful, and always cared about me and what i had to say
sex happened in the moment which felt so much more meaningful
we hung out a lot, he got upset when he thought i was with another guy when i really wasn't
we hugged a lot, and he kissed me on the cheek a lot..we held hands
he told me i was his girlfriend on the cruise, and if we lived by eachother we'd be going out
he messaged me right after the cruise
and at one point i thought he was avoiding me so i sent him a message saying, "if you don't write back, then i know you don't want anything to do with me." and he just so happened to write back :]
i suprised him and visited him after the cruise
he was really happy and told me next time i should call so we could actually hang out
he kissed me on the lips goodbye, and he acted the same exact way he did on the cruise

did this guy like me a lot..or did he use me?

2007-01-08 15:01:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i feel lost, i've been in a break-up i cant sleep, eat and think well. i was really hurt. how can i overcome this. i need people to comfort me. i'm so lost right now. i want to die. i love this person so much, his memory kills me

2007-01-08 15:01:00 · 5 answers · asked by Princess 1

Ladies, I mean PROPERLY, will you not think twice about leaving him for cheating on you??

2007-01-08 14:59:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you tell on a girl personality if she's a s.l.u.t or not? If so what are they.

These girls that I know say she's a slut/whore cause just the way she acts.

The reason I'm asking this question is because I like this girl and i'm hearing bad things about her.

2007-01-08 14:59:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Party all night with Snoop Dogg in Vegas or have sex with Angelina Jolie?

2007-01-08 14:58:44 · 20 answers · asked by Roger S 1

Guys just treat girls like crap! You cry infront of them and to them its all "Whatever! Guess I need to find another Hott Chick."

2007-01-08 14:58:44 · 36 answers · asked by kissmetillth3end 1

2007-01-08 14:57:52 · 10 answers · asked by lollipop_12321 2

My boyfriend's sister passed away on Saturday after being in a bad car crash. He's really upset about this, and he is really sad. He's been crying a lot, and I don't know what to say to him to make him feel better? I don't want to say "I hope you feel better" or something because that sounds really stupid. He is really upset, and I just don't know what to do to help him feel better? I always thought I could handle something like this, but I'm really confused about what I should say and what I shouldn't since it's his family?

And all you man haters can bugger off and don't even think about telling me to leave him and that I shouldn't get involved. I see that "Just leave" crap all the time. I want real answers to help, not an exit strategy.

2007-01-08 14:57:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was dating this guy last year and I completely fell for him. He's wrong for me in every which way and that makes me like him even more. When we first started dating, everything was so great. He liked me so much. Always calling and texting, saying sweet things and making plans. Slowly it started fading away until one day he felt we shouldn't date anymore because he felt we don't really "mesh" well together. True we fought a lot but I miss him so much that way. I really really like him and I can't stop thinking about him and all of our fun times together. The worst of it all is that we work together and so I see him everyday. We still talk and once in awhile hang out but only as friends and it kills me. I find myself so depressed and sad. I don't know what to do. I wish he would like me again and want to date me again.
Do you think there is any hope?

I'm sad :(

2007-01-08 14:57:25 · 3 answers · asked by L 3

ur probebly thinking i have a crush on somebody but suprizingly its my own girlfriends attention im trying to catch, i havent talked to her in alittle while and i dont want us to drift apart. ive run out of things to talk about, so im asking for advise on how to get a conversation started or just how to catch her attention

2007-01-08 14:56:38 · 18 answers · asked by chris 3

it seems like everyone thinks you have to have sex w/ a guy after a while....even when your not married, and theres no garentee that he will stay w/ you.

2007-01-08 14:55:51 · 11 answers · asked by sarah m 1

2007-01-08 14:55:30 · 23 answers · asked by Kelly 2

when a woman loses her virginity she sometimes bleeds and her hymen is broke, how can a woman tell when a guy is still a virgin?

2007-01-08 14:55:29 · 18 answers · asked by fiddle 1

I like a boy and sometimes he flrits with me does he loike me or do you think we should be buds? I need t know b4 I make my move

2007-01-08 14:55:16 · 2 answers · asked by sc8ter g 1

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