Looking through the girlfriend's cell phone text messages, and finding out that his girlfriend is secretly, and sweetly communicating with her ex, wouldn't the current boyfriend have a right to get very upset about it?... and to think that his girlfriend is not serious about the relationship... so he decides to make "white lies" (no cheating lies, just his living arrangement). And since the boyfriend had openly expressed to his girlfriend that it is hurtful for him knowing that she still communicates (or attempts to communicate) with her ex(es), yet she still does it anyway. And if my friend's decision to keep making "white lies" (about still having his own place, when he doesn't) is in direct retaliation to his girlfriend's misconduct of secretly initiating emails to ex(es), wouldn't you think that the boyfriend's decision to tell "white lies", is justified. Given the whole situation, wouldn't the gf be more considerate of the whole thing and give her boyfriend (my friend) a break.
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