Hello everyone :)
I know it is long, but please read it
I've known my best friend for more than 5 years till now
The problem is that i share my secrets with him since ever, but he only speaks about school and "some" of what happened in his week.
He says im his best friend and he is proud of it. but i sometimes feel he is lying. because he never talked with me as I do with him (sharing deeeeep secrets). when i ask him 2 tell me whats up.. he never tells me whats going on.
i tried 2 b frank with him and said I SHOULD KNOW. he said: "I will not tell u, because i dont want 2 tell u".
This id driving me crazy. I'm trying to speak with him about any subject but he dont help me. while if he was speaking with some1 else, he will be a radio.
Last thing: I mostly go 2 where he want us 2 go 2. but when i ask him 2 come to where I choose, he says that my place is boring..
After all of this he says: "Beleive me, u r my best friend"
Any suggestion or useful comments?
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