it's common to like guys like truly is...for some reason, girls like us can't help it...wanna know why?? cuz we like the attention!!! when a guy flirts with you, we immediately have a signal in our brain that says, "he likes you. why do you think he's spending so much time with you?" It doesn't matter how they show it, if they flirt, that means they like you, right? and that's why you like them, cuz you think they like you!! they don't look half-bad, eh? i mean, you would actually consider them if they weren't so immature, right?? And those guys do all that stuff just to get your attention. they like seeing how you react, whether in anger, etc..they MIGHT like you, but i'm not a guy so i can't really say...they sure sound like they do...that's what they always do to tell a girl they like them, right? i dunno...(don't jump to conclusions though) goodness, what happened to all the gentlemen? no seriously (you're a teenager, right?) i think you should rethink them over. would you really like to spend your time with them? do you think you can trust them? if no, then don't take it any further than being their classmate (friend, even). well, if you're starting to hate them, that's absolutely fine. and don't just look for those who throw spitballs...there's always the other one who smiles at you, and keeps you get to know them a lot better, and when they finally become mature, then go on...
Look past their actions, ALWAYS. Although it's difficult, at least attempt it....
Have fun!!
2006-10-06 11:57:01
answer #1
answered by heyheyhey 4
Obviously you are still in school, only one thing to remember. Some boys will be jerks, just steer clear and avoid the drama. Once they realize their antics don't get your attention they will stop and be real or they were truly jerks and will leave you alone which is best for you in the long run no matter how cute they are.
This behavior is simply common in boys this age. It's stupid, degrading and mean. The best thing for you is to walk away. Do you want be with a guy who knowingly treats gurlz this way. Ugh, no way. Steer clear from boys anyway right now, school is all drama these days and no longer about why your there for the education. Roots and wings.
Think about the most obnoxious thing you can, something that annoys you so much that it makes your skin crawl. That's how an adult having been there done that sees this question. School is like stepping stones, once your out it looks so stupid! I know what it is like, I empathize with you, this is a big deal to you, this hurts and your confused. However, think about the big picture...will it matter in two months down the road? No, it will have just cost you tears and time on the computer asking this question worrying and wondering what if rather than spending time with friends laughing.
Good luck gurl.
2006-10-06 18:44:29
answer #2
answered by mamabonha 1
If they like you they are going about this very immaturely, and I don't understand why your still wondering if your starting to hate them. When you like someone you compliment them, your upfront with them. I understand being hard to get and getting mixed signals but spit balls? Come on, that is simply ridiculous.
Pick the guys you like wisely and wait til they grow up.
2006-10-06 18:13:28
answer #3
answered by Dr.Mom 3
I wouldn't pour water on them if they were on fire! Don't allow yourself to be belittled and insulted like that. Don't allow them to lower your standards. Don't go down to their level. You are better than that! You might like these guys, but is it worth it to go out with them? Would you talk about a guy like that, that you want to go out with?
Sometimes it hurts, but these guys are jerks!
You are a young woman who has standards and morals. Be strong. Let these guys know that you are your own woman and don't need the likes of them.
Don't be a snob. Just be who you are!
Good Luck, sweetie
2006-10-06 18:22:53
answer #4
answered by Deborah K 2
Don't waste time with boys who throw spit balls.
2006-10-06 18:12:54
answer #5
answered by Violet Pearl 7
If you are 14 years old solve you problems your self, by staying away from one of the guys you are too young to have two men, use your head.
2006-10-06 18:11:11
answer #6
answered by boy_jam_arch 6
what are they seven?get over them or just throw spit balls back
2006-10-06 18:31:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
walk away and don't flirt with them,not even friends with them. find new friends, you are just wasting your time.
2006-10-06 18:16:28
answer #8
answered by sure_whatever_29 3
Wow.....thats prettty immature. I think they like you, they just have a weird way of showin' it.
2006-10-06 18:34:13
answer #9
answered by Lance 2
i realy dunno.
2006-10-06 18:13:47
answer #10
answered by john 5