Because girls go crazy and think they are in a "relationship" and try to analyze every word, every gesture, every blink of an eye the guy makes. Then the girl gets her friends to send messages and all that. Then the girl wants phone calls and attention and IMs and all that. Then the girl gets upset if the boy says hi to another girl and tells her friends to go ask him what he did that for. Then the other girl he said hi to thinks he has a crush on her and goes crazy and thinks they are in a "relationship" and tries to analyze every word, every gesture, every blink of an eye the guy makes. Then the girl gets her friends to send messages and all that.
The the original girl starts a fight with her.
Then they all cry.
Isn't it easier for a boy to ignore the whole dumb mess?
2006-10-06 11:16:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Young men find it hard to relate to girls who admit they have feelings for them. Many of these guys are not ready for any type of committed relationship and will shy away from girls who are. Give him some time,someday he will come around.
2006-10-06 11:06:39
answer #2
answered by mopjky 5
Well, it's sort of grotesque when we know that you're actually attracted to us. We're so used to being treated like dirt for 30 days and then suddenly winning your affection that, when, a girl actually is drooling over us with that "torture treatment" we get paranoid.
2006-10-06 11:05:33
answer #3
answered by Tones 6
well i think that he 1) might not lyk you that way or 2) doesnt want to screw things up id go with 2) give a chance to gather himself in the end youll be just fine with or with out him!!!!
have fun BRI
2006-10-06 11:09:08
answer #4
answered by tennischick_bri 1
i think its' all the way around at first this girl talked to me and smiled at me every time i saw her after i told one of her friends i liked her she stopped talking to me for a while.
2006-10-06 11:34:44
answer #5
answered by kingluffy84 2
You should not have said it to some one else,He is the one you have the crush on why not let him know about it
2006-10-06 11:06:03
answer #6
answered by boy_jam_arch 6
I think because now they thought about you alot,and decided that they like you too,and you know that boys act strange if they like you.
2006-10-06 11:06:05
answer #7
answered by Mica Claro 3
Because males are hunters and when their isn't a chase, they biologically loose interest.
2006-10-06 11:06:21
answer #8
answered by John P 1
he feel uncomfortable and he afraid that you might think that he love you too. maybe he just want to be your friend,nothing more than that
2006-10-06 11:06:32
answer #9
answered by nicky 2
He is also interested or not interested and don't know how to take it, or how to tell you.
2006-10-06 11:08:54
answer #10
answered by melissa l 2