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[Selected]: All categories Environment Conservation

Why aren't more conservatives conservationists like myself?

2007-09-03 02:30:50 · 3 answers · asked by Mike D Naples Florida 1

Smallpox, malaria, yellow feaver, typhus, anthrax, cholera, bubonic plague......These are all part of nature too. if you think we should save wolves and bears and stuff, why dont I see any campaigns to save these organisms? Talk about hypocritical.

2007-09-02 13:41:07 · 7 answers · asked by enders_shadow90 2

Hypermiling is supposed to be a great way to save fuel but it is hard to figure out what it really is, since it isn't something tangible it seems. Any ideas?

2007-09-02 13:01:37 · 2 answers · asked by gc_ave 1

This world is filling up with all types of pollutions and environmental problems.

Pollution, global warming, endangered animal species, unbalanced ecosystem, deforestation, extinction, sea life extinction, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, and all types of odd
weather conditions........................all these are gonna increase, and at one point some 100 years from now........the earth will die out, killing mankind.

The questions is,will mankind be able to divert, stop or delay the ultimate collapse of planet earth and survive?

Will he?

PS: Also wanted to inform you all dear people, about the huge environmental damage we humans are up to.

2007-09-01 21:48:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone suggested on TV the other day that Panda's deserve to be extinct, this was provided with the view that any species on the endangered list because it refuses to have sex is getting what it deserves.

Any thoughts?

2007-09-01 01:52:17 · 21 answers · asked by QuestionGuy2004 3

i'm working for project exhibition in my city..................so
the project should be related to conservation..eg- previous year i had demonstrated how to produce a gaseous fuel from rice husk and had won a prize too.........
so the theme should be conservation related anything from polythenes to..............

2007-08-31 02:39:33 · 4 answers · asked by smarty 1

(Note: If you use the words "Al Gore" anywhere in your answer, whether it's "Al Gore, yay!" or "anyone but Al Gore", you will not recieve a best answer. I'm sorry, that's just how it is.)

2007-08-30 18:39:27 · 14 answers · asked by joecool123_us 5

How is it that Scientists can make Margarine for a substitute for butter, in which , by the way is only 2 molicules away from plastic, But Scientist can not make water, H2O? would that not solve the worlds problem for water shortages?

2007-08-30 12:47:41 · 5 answers · asked by acot_anthonym 4

2007-08-30 03:53:39 · 19 answers · asked by colin050659 6

The Bush administration is loosening the limits on mountaintop removal practices, making it easier for large coal companies to come in & destroy the beautiful mountains of Appalachia while dumping the slate and excess debris in the streams. Does anybody outside of this area care about the issue? It was on the front of the NY Times, but I don't know if anybody else cares.

More info...


2007-08-29 06:11:06 · 9 answers · asked by Big Daddy G 3

Scientists recently declared that the Chinese White River Dolphin was extinct after living for many million years. The key reason is severe pollution of the Yangtse River. I am so mad that I want to sue the Chinese government on behalf of Mother Nature....Realistically, how much is an animal species worth?

2007-08-29 03:17:51 · 14 answers · asked by cheese8171 2

2007-08-27 18:59:40 · 6 answers · asked by Fatty 71 2

I've been wanting to do this for a while now, I've heard that gray water is one of the biggest wastes we commit and that the average joe can set a a simple system on his own. Any sugestions?

2007-08-27 03:08:08 · 6 answers · asked by find_your_nirvana 2

Please be specific and include specific justifications.

thanks. :)

2007-08-26 23:40:29 · 21 answers · asked by Bonj 1

There are a lot of animals that are becoming extinct some because of what we humans are doing, but isn’t that part of evolution? One animal becomes dominant and then those that cannot cope with the domination become extinct. Others evolve so that they can cope with the dominating species?

And why do we have to try and save some animals? Maybe nature is getting rid of them for a reason, such as the dinosaurs. What happens when we are interfering and trying to help animals, and plants for that matter, that genetically and evolutionarily are no longer needed?

People say we over fish, that’s because there is a large number of the human species. People protest and try and help fish numbers. What if, for example, lion populations expanded because the conditions were right, such as it is for Homo sapiens now, and that meant there were more of them, resulting in caribou numbers declining. Are we going to call it overcaribouing? No, probably not. Are we going to try and save caribou numbers? Why would we need to as it is just the path of nature. A group of the caribou might evolve to outrun them for example but if we interfere to try and ‘help’ them then we might actually be stuffing up that evolutionary process. Then some people would want to reduce the number of lions and start killing them. That would also not be good for the balance of nature.

2007-08-26 21:41:07 · 8 answers · asked by ASK A.S. 5

Cambodia has a lot of wildlife on the brink of extinction if not already extinct. I was just wondering what the impact of this wildlife extinction was on Cambodia? Thanks ahead of time to anyone who helps.

2007-08-26 12:13:39 · 2 answers · asked by bdoll1970 1

Once the Icecap melts away because of global warming...

As the Arctic icecap thins due to global warming, a race is looming to claim ownership of the rich energy resources under the North Pole.

At present, no country is deemed by the International Seabed Authority to have geological structure beneath the pole - so no country owns it. While Russia has yet to restake its claim, news that it might has already provoked protests from Canada, the US, Norway and Denmark.

My take on this is that if we (Global community) allow this type of claim to be ratified, then what are we saying about the importance of the icecap and environment...what insentive would there be to preserving it, if the prospects of gaining Trillions of dollars for the country that can extract it.. at the cost of expaditing the melt and possibility of submerging huge swaths of low-lying regions from Florida to Bangladesh.

2007-08-24 05:13:21 · 7 answers · asked by Cesar G 3

are you in favor of this, and why or why not.
Does anyone know "why" they are doing this? I mean, what are they planning to do with the money? And will workers have to pay the same amount as visitors do?

Can you imagine yourself on a trip (like maybe north to south) and trying to save time by driving thru the big city only to get hit with this "use" fee.

2007-08-24 04:46:35 · 8 answers · asked by sophieb 7

and give us ways to solve that......for instance, people use a lot of gasoline to get to and from work, so maybe they could work from the internet instead, or maybe they could sell other ways, etc

2007-08-24 03:15:30 · 13 answers · asked by sophieb 7

What are some career ideas for a kid interested in wildlife conservation who would like to be out in the field but not as a researcher. I'm asking for my cousin. He's also interested in flying planes and photography.

2007-08-23 06:02:48 · 8 answers · asked by liver 1

2007-08-22 09:43:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-22 06:23:38 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Arizona, we have somewhat of a water crisis every year. The idea is to distribute the "toilet tummy", to the masses @ a ridiculusly low price, and it saves 80oz. - 160 oz. of water per flush while not affecting the pressure. You can buy toilet-tummy units in bulk, each unit consisting of 2 toilet tummies, for as low as 60 cents per unit when buying anywhere from 400-1200 units. I want to actively distribute this product in Tucson door-2-door, and petition the city to adopt the measure if it's serious about water conservation, or if it's citizens truly are. If not, then we can shift the funding onto something we actually express concern over.

Is this going to be an effective tactic?

2007-08-22 00:42:38 · 2 answers · asked by Betrayed King 5

What measures should the government and people put in place to stop animals becoming extinct.

2007-08-21 19:07:41 · 6 answers · asked by princess ana j 3

Since environmentalist began protesting logging and forest management in our national forests, it seems massive forest fires are becoming more of an issue and common place in regards to managing our timberlands and wildlife here in the U.S.... What are your views about our national forests?

2007-08-20 10:06:22 · 10 answers · asked by not perfect 2

2007-08-20 04:13:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous