This world is filling up with all types of pollutions and environmental problems.
Pollution, global warming, endangered animal species, unbalanced ecosystem, deforestation, extinction, sea life extinction, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, and all types of odd
weather conditions........................all these are gonna increase, and at one point some 100 years from now........the earth will die out, killing mankind.
The questions is,will mankind be able to divert, stop or delay the ultimate collapse of planet earth and survive?
Will he?
PS: Also wanted to inform you all dear people, about the huge environmental damage we humans are up to.
20 answers
asked by
➔ Conservation
mankind sux
2007-09-08 20:18:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You need to take a look at the really big picture of our planet. To put your question into perspective, 90% of all creatures that have ever live on planet earth are now extinct. What makes you think that humans have any better chance of surviving than other creatures. There have been at least 4 mass extinction events that have occured over the last 300 million years. This does not count the smaller localized extinction events.
Humans have some control over what we do in the environment. We have no control over what the earth does to us, i.e. earthquakes, volcanoes, floods etc.
I disagree that the earth will die out. The earth will only die if the molten core soldifies or the sun becomes a red giant. This planet we call home was here long before we arrived and will not miss us when we too become extinct.
2007-09-05 09:01:21
answer #2
answered by Dr. Wu 3
"We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road (the one less traveled by) offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth."
--Rachel Carson
I think humanity is waking up to the seriousness of the environmental damage we've created and that we have a very small window to turn the situation around.
The next decade will be vitally important in deciding which path mankind will be heading down -- either the dawn of a new age of environmental enlightenment or the slow decimation of the world.
2007-09-07 05:33:11
answer #3
answered by Andy 5
yes nowadays there is a lot of Pollution, global warming, endangered animal species, unbalanced ecosystem, deforestation, extinction, sea life extinction, floods, earthquakes, cyclones, and all types of odd
weather conditions but if humans realize their mistake and stop harming the earth then the earth can be saved.but if we humans do not stop doing this then as you told after some hundred years the earth will collapse and will become just like other planets where the life does not exist.
2007-09-01 22:11:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
One who has floated this question and so many who have answered are people who are concerned with our environmental problems. Yes we are part of the damage being done. Knowingly or unknowingly we indulge ourselves. U-SEE for example, we are burning bulbs(CO2) in our homes during day time when the sun is shining just outside our windows. This is what I call misuse of costly energy which is resulting in over exploitation of fossil fuels and other natural resources which are not infinite. So, just go thro' the following and be a saviour of the world.
A grassroot level initiative U-SEE - Unlimited Savings of Electrical Energy which gives to the world how we can stop misuse of electricity during day time when the sun is shining. My idea revolves around "bring home the sunshine" and "get moonlight from sunlight". Have a look at the following World Bank link and let me know if you want more details. The idea is a child's play and is so simple but saves billions of units of costly electricity and also reduces over exploitation of the natural resources like oil, coal, water and also reduces global warming from stopping burning of bulbs.
Please spread this link to all your family members, friends and neighbors. Let them also benefit and save the world before it is too late. -
Vasanthkumar Mysoremath, Bangalore, India
2007-09-08 21:51:07
answer #5
answered by Vasanthkumar Mysoremath 3
Judging from the many apathetic and/or hate filled people who really only with to escape their otherwise useless lives by insulting everyone here at Y/A, I fear for the outcome of our environment. Our present politicians are opportunists who have no genuine interest in mankind's future.
We can force our politicians to change and we as individuals can make enough changes as well to make this planet habitable for much longer than predicted now. Seeking out positive forums and websites on the Internet is the first step.
It all begins with each one of us.
2007-09-03 02:12:45
answer #6
answered by poots 2
All things come to an end, but will it be very soon i dont think so. Humans are very resilient and can adapt to almost any situation.(IE German Concentration Camps) Humans survived the ice age, they survived the great plague, fall of empires, famine, pestilence, floods, fires, just about anything you can think of. I am sure the human race will continue to go on long after you, I, our grandchildren etc... Yes we are destroying lots of things, but there is only so much that can happen. Its quite possible many millions of people could die, and complete devastation of lands, but to destroy the entire human race would be a very hard thing to do.
2007-09-01 22:00:35
answer #7
answered by applebeer 5
Man cannot stop it any more than he can start it. We are fleas on the back of an elephants butt on this planet, and nothing more. If you take every man woman and child on the face of the earth, give each one a 1' x 1' square to stand in, you could fit every person on the planet in the state of Rhode Island and still have room for 5 Noah's Arch's worth of animals.
2007-09-02 02:32:29
answer #8
answered by crknapp79 5
this is an ordinary one. If the international gets too warm, we've shown that we are able to proceed to exist it because of the fact the "Cradles of Civilization" have been in warm, dry components. If the international gets chilly, then we've already shown that we are able to stand up to ice an prolonged time, and that's with out any "severe" technologies. If the international gets overpopulated, this is going to, out of necessity, stability itself out. i don't think of we could desire to rigidity approximately surviving the subsequent a hundred years. the actual question is a thank you to we shop the subsequent a hundred years from turning out to be the subsequent dark Age.
2016-11-13 23:40:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Almost all the problems we now are facing , is caused by selfish, greed driven ignorant, short sighted , narrowminded people. A vast amount of those people are going to have to lay in the bed they made. What's wrong, is all the people who are going to needlessly be suffering at the hands of these poor excuses for humans.
2007-09-04 14:42:27
answer #10
answered by irene k 2
The environmental issues aren't drastic enough to wipe out the entire human race.
2007-09-02 03:47:06
answer #11
answered by jdkilp 7