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Alternative Fuel Vehicles

[Selected]: All categories Environment Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Over the years a number of inventions have been discovered that would assist mankind+environment. One such invention was presented on one of the current affair programs on Australian television a number of years ago. An Australian created a generator that once cranked by an external source, created enough power not only to run itself but also to run appliances in a home. The current affair program promised it would follow it up but to this day nothing has been mentioned. And before you say it must not have been true they showed the generator working. A FREE Power source for the world. What happened? Did this male get threatened/killed/or was his patent bought out by the "Power" monopolies of this world?There are numerous other inventions that have suddenly disappeared, we are all sheep and let the big monopolies run our world and dictate our lives. We need to access patents no matter who owns them and if they can help mankind and/or nature then put them to use if the owners will not.

2007-10-12 21:36:55 · 12 answers · asked by daskaz 2

-to control on growth of vehicles
-to stop the vehicle taking more fuel
-to use renewable sources

2007-10-12 17:11:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can't remember right now where I heard this on the radio, but the person saying it was a total professional in the field. He was explaining how in Iran automobiles go in into certain gasoline stations_or mechanic garages_and in less than 45 minutes, come out prepared to use mixed and/or any other fuel_ethanol perhaps?

First of all is that possible? Second, why would they do this if they own so much oil?

2007-10-10 10:58:54 · 15 answers · asked by mybusiness2 1

i have read alot of conflicting articles on these things. Apparently they are not as environmentally friendly as the makers promote them to be . does anyone have any objective advice ?

2007-10-10 09:15:11 · 13 answers · asked by klf 2


2007-10-10 08:49:52 · 13 answers · asked by Think Richly™ 5

Do you feel that more people would be willing to buy products that are more environmentally friendly such as biodiesel for their vehicles etc. Let me know what you think, Thank you

2007-10-09 16:04:46 · 9 answers · asked by swiss_chic 1

Tell me what you guys think! It says here that the engine uses compressed air and it shows some other stuff.
Enviormentalists and non Enviormentalists: opinions please!

2007-10-09 13:23:50 · 6 answers · asked by Never_Say_Never 2

Climate change, the environment, alternative energy, deforestation, industrial pollution, air quality, construction, transportation, mental health, fast foods, drugs, blah blah

2007-10-08 21:15:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If all gasoline cars can be converted to E-100 (100% grain alcohol) right now, for less than $1,000, if it will free us from terrorist's oil, if it will create a zero-net carbon footprint for all vehicles, if it will provide American farmers with a new boom market, if it will burn cleaner, not be affected by water absorbtion (within reason - that matters up north here), why in the hell are we still buying oil from the people who attacked us on 9/11?

2007-10-08 14:03:26 · 11 answers · asked by Michael E 2

How energy-full is it in comparison with "gas"/petrol ?

As the plants take in CO2 in growing, and that gets freed
when the oil is burnt, there is no net gain in atmospheric
CO2 which would mean no greenhouse issues

Is this a feasible possibility for mass transport ?

2007-10-08 03:56:26 · 13 answers · asked by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7

2007-10-07 15:24:11 · 9 answers · asked by catieisswick 1

2007-10-07 15:20:40 · 6 answers · asked by Midas V 1

Do even care?

2007-10-05 21:10:36 · 18 answers · asked by JOHNNY D 3

2007-10-04 23:25:46 · 19 answers · asked by ancientcityentertainment 2

this question is an extra credit question for chemistry and i need to explain it in a 100 word paragraph
please -n- thankyou

2007-10-04 12:41:50 · 11 answers · asked by angel_baby_cc 2

what are some alternative resources for cars to run on becides fossel fuel?

2007-10-04 10:49:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

there was a guy that made salty water into a fuel a couple of weeks ago. wat happened to that? y isnt the govt forcing auto makers to make all their cars work with salty water???? does it have anything to do with oil companies having close ties with the govt???

2007-10-04 06:46:41 · 7 answers · asked by im2stupiddotcom_AM 3

By using the abundant solar energy or by using hydrogen powered vehicles we can cut down on green house gas emissions. What is holding in the way of introducing these green powered vehicles?

2007-10-04 05:10:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

with hybrid cars not making much noise. And everyone is a bad driver (except for me). Will we see more hybrids hitting and killing blind people.
Because the blind listen for car noises.
And drivers never look out for pedestrians.

2007-10-03 11:39:10 · 10 answers · asked by ItsMe 1

I have seen a lot of people on Y! bashing the ethanol and other bio-fuel products because "it wastes food" or "it takes X much gas to make" or any number of other uninformed reasons. Well I live in the midwest and in my area we had an extremely good year for many of the crops. So good in fact that there is no place to put all the crops from the harvest.

Here is a small article from a local news station

I'm just curious if people who think Ethanol is bad have ever thought about this kind of situation. There is no place to put all of the excess crops, all the bins, elevators, and trains are full... the extra is being stored outside, in piles, on the ground. For anyone that doesn't know... that's not good. All the time and energy used to collect this energy source is being eaten by birds, mice, deer, mold, and being lost back into the ground. Ethanol is a way for us to use this energy, because it is already available.

2007-10-03 07:36:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

On that date April 12th 2003, al-Ghazali and his family sheltered in their house as a fierce street battle erupted in his neighborhood. In the midst of the fighting, he noticed that the Americans had called up an oddly configured tank. Then to his amazement the tank suddenly let loose a blinding stream of what seemed like fire and lightning, engulfing a large passenger bus and three automobiles. Within seconds the bus had become semi-molten, sagging "like a wet rag" as he put it. He said the bus rapidly melted under this withering blast,shrinking until it was a twisted blob about the dimensions of a VW bug. As if that were not bizarre enough,he explicitly describes seeing numerous human bodies shriveled to the size of newborn babies.Cox report that former USSR once was deeply involved in exploring high-powered electromagnetic weapons, but now Russia is no longer pursuing them. Other nations believed to be conducting research and arming these arsenals are China,Great Britain and France.

2007-10-02 23:43:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

n that date April 12th 2003, al-Ghazali and his family sheltered in their house as a fierce street battle erupted in his neighborhood. In the midst of the fighting, he noticed that the Americans had called up an oddly configured tank. Then to his amazement the tank suddenly let loose a blinding stream of what seemed like fire and lightning, engulfing a large passenger bus and three automobiles. Within seconds the bus had become semi-molten, sagging "like a wet rag" as he put it. He said the bus rapidly melted under this withering blast,shrinking until it was a twisted blob about the dimensions of a VW bug. As if that were not bizarre enough,he explicitly describes seeing numerous human bodies shriveled to the size of newborn babies.Cox report that former USSR once was deeply involved in exploring high-powered electromagnetic weapons, but now Russia is no longer pursuing them. Other nations believed to be conducting research and arming these arsenals are China,Great Britain and France.

2007-10-02 23:40:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that in some areas in the midwest, the methane that is given off from landfills is being used as energy to power the factories at the landfill. If we stored all the methane given off from our landfills, do you think we could use it as an efficent fuel? And if so, why do you think we aren't using it now?

2007-10-02 10:02:11 · 12 answers · asked by :) 4

It takes pure water for electrolysis. Bottled or purified.
Should be done only when there is surplus energy, at off-peak hours.

2007-10-02 09:33:19 · 11 answers · asked by baypointmike 3

America's thirst for fuel is at least partially based on that fact that families who have more than two children are unable to purchase a smaller car or SUV because they cannot fit more that two car seats in the second row. I am sure that engineers can come out with a slightly narrower car seat that is as safe or safer than current models. What do you think?

2007-10-02 06:03:53 · 10 answers · asked by Westport 2

2007-10-02 05:40:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


1.Does the manufacturing process of these batteries doing more damage to the enviroment compared to petroleum energy 2 Does petrol pollute more than diesel?

2007-10-02 05:38:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

And why are rice firelds in CA not converted to cane fields if the sugar content is heavier than corn?

2007-10-01 18:20:58 · 5 answers · asked by syrious 5

How do we make biodiesel from crude palm oil? Or palm oil is use to mix with diesel to become biodiesel? what is the mixture?

2007-10-01 16:17:08 · 3 answers · asked by thepest1998 1