Celebrity Big Brother is populated by foul-mouthed,illiterate,racist,nobodies whose only claim to fame is that they have big mouths,cannot speak without swearing,unable to articulate a sentence without sounding like a dockyard fishwife,no decent diction amongst them,and whose IQ can be measured in single figures on a hand.What are we teaching our kids these days if this rabble is the best they can come up with?Are we really expecting our kids to have these imbeciles as role models to look up to?Perhaps with the general level of racism now being shown all day and night on Freeview,its hardly suprising kids never learn tolerence and respect for each other if this is the kind of dumbed-down, boring and despicable TV we're being subjected to.Nothing else matters these days except how much money C4 get for screening this trash.Why get in the way of good manners, tolerence and acceptence of others where C4 profits are concerned?Bring back decent TV!
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