I started playing bass guitar a year ago. I have an awesome teacher, I love playing and because my sister plays drums we can always play together.But I've been getting so fed up with bassists always getting a bad rap from other people, (usually those who don't play an instruments!), "Oh, bassists just hang out with the band", "It's the cop-out instrument", "Bassists are stupid" etc.
I chose to play bass not because I thought it was any easier, but because it links together with the drums, it can create awesome funk/jazz sounds and it's really fun and the list goes on..but not because I'm uneducated, lazy or any other stereotypical name.I appreciate all instruments and all types of music, and honestly, they all contribute to a band, in thier own way. Bassists may not be the leader or in the limelight all the time, but they play the "glue" keeping it all together while the guitarists rock out. Which is great! But I'm so sick of people bagging out bassists for no good reason.
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