The reason most people call it "cap" music instead of rap is because todays rappers have no talent. What happened to the rappers who actually cared about there music? What happened to the rappers who actually had talent, BIG pappa, Tupac, Aziatic, Afu Ra, Wu-Tang, even the Beastie Boys? Today all the rappers rhyme about is being in the clubs and about the street life that none of them ever had, for instance, LiL John.....Lil john was never in the struggle, he was never a hustler, in fact he was the DJ at an Atlanta night club then moved up to the executive vice president of So So Def Records...He is even credited with "bringing the southern style of rap to the masses" by VH1....Did they forget about Outkast? Young Bloodz? Nappy Roots? Why is it that the only modern rappers with talent, Atmosphere, Jedi Mind, Imortal Technique, are never played on the radio?
So my question is Where did all the TALENT go?
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