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Movies - 10 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

Ok some one already beat me to the question i was going to ask,what is your favorite Disney Movie.....

So i'll ask this instead, name the Disney Movie that you "DONT LIKE" and why?
For me it is Bambi, long story but it has to do with his mother getting shot.....

2006-12-10 14:01:12 · 21 answers · asked by Porcelain Doll 6


2006-12-10 13:57:09 · 11 answers · asked by Jenny 2

I was talking to a friend the other night and I asked her what's the scariest movie she has seen lately and she said that they don't make horror movies anymore. So my question is what is the best and scariest horror movie you've ever seen.

BTW, please don't put Hostel, I saw that movie and it sucked.

2006-12-10 13:48:26 · 29 answers · asked by marie 3

ok isnt underworld and underworld evolution confusing i watched the first one and seen parts of the second one it is confusing i sort of like it also selene is so hot.she kicks but.what do you think of the movie.i like it a little but i mostly like selene . and hybirds and stuff its interesting its cool movie i like the first one because it has less blood and gore it barley has it the second one has alot .so do the like the movies or not.also which one do you like more.and why do you like it and whats your favorie character and why.the second one is more interesting but first one is better.

2006-12-10 13:47:07 · 9 answers · asked by bloo b 3

2006-12-10 13:43:18 · 13 answers · asked by puppypoo 1

I thought they hit bottom when they made the dukes of hazard movie but I hear there is a "CHiPs" movie coming out. What's next, Mayberry RFD the movie? And what is the worst one so far?

2006-12-10 13:23:02 · 8 answers · asked by Doc 2

Check this out and let me know......it's kinda spooky too.

2006-12-10 13:21:38 · 23 answers · asked by #1 "Abuela" 4

I heard from a friend that the actor (don't know who played superman) in Superman Return's "package" was digitalized to make it smaller! Has anyone else heard this? If so, do you remember where?

2006-12-10 13:19:50 · 4 answers · asked by 8675309 1

i want 2 go 2 a site where i can watch different kinds of korean movies that r popular and people luv 2 watch the most. please help me!!!

2006-12-10 13:11:49 · 3 answers · asked by quiteazngurl 1

Who thinks there should be a Harry and Hermione sex scene in the last movie. I mean, the audience has grown up with the guys and everyone wants something to happen between them.


2006-12-10 13:11:15 · 12 answers · asked by Rachmanioff 1

What was your take on it?

2006-12-10 13:07:55 · 2 answers · asked by ? 6

it was a comedy, and there was a wedding in it. i believe the girl was a blonde. don't remember who was in the movie

2006-12-10 13:05:29 · 2 answers · asked by butterfin2 1

has there ever been a movie made about Anne Boleyn, King Henry the eighth, Catherine of Aragon - about that time period? I think that would be an awesome movie. I think that time period was really interesting and if there's not a movie there should be!

2006-12-10 13:05:02 · 5 answers · asked by Cris 2

It Starts out "I'm a love machine, an''t got nobody other but me" uh huh" that movie with all that fat dudes. if u could help me out that'd be nice thanks

2006-12-10 13:03:44 · 3 answers · asked by g_jeramy 2

I don't really remember much about it, I was really little when I saw it. It was about a family that is sucked into their tv when they get a new satelite installed in their house. IT IS NOT PLEASANTVILLE! Well anyways they thing changes and the family goes thorough different channels and one of the channels they are in a cartoon. They are mice in a cartoon. They have other things that happen to them but, I don't remember what they are. Thanks.

2006-12-10 13:03:06 · 5 answers · asked by Funny Guy 2

I have seen the movie a hundred times and I still cry!
A few intense moments in the movie, really affect me so much that I feel sad for days!
Moments like The captain giving up, Musicians playing music despite the horror, A kid frozen to death in the sea! Rose watching jack from inside a rescue boat when she sees the despiar in his eyes!,Rose diving in back into the ship to get an axe to save jack, Jack saving rose's life at the end! sacrificing his life!!
All these moments are so intense, soo touching and affecting! Does the same happen to any of you?

2006-12-10 13:00:57 · 28 answers · asked by Someday 3

2006-12-10 13:00:06 · 2 answers · asked by Mia G 2

How do I create a VCD movie file that will play successfully on my DVD player? Do I need to create an ISO Image File first, or can I map it directly to a VCD? Thanks in advance.

2006-12-10 12:59:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-10 12:49:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there anyone as jazzed as me to see this movie....

2006-12-10 12:47:03 · 11 answers · asked by Digi 3

I know that his reason for making "The Passion of the Christ" was to stir up hatred of Jews. But I saw "Apocolypto" today and I wonder why he made this movie. Since the film featured bloody human sacrifice scenes and then at the end the Spanish showed up, was his point to say that it's a good thing the Spanish came and brought their Catholicism to these "barbarians"?

2006-12-10 12:40:17 · 9 answers · asked by tim 1

I mean to say, i know there are some "good" movies around. But when was the last time you watched a movie (Cinema or DVD) and then said "Damn... that was just amazing"?

It seems to me like there are loads of "alright" movies around; but most just seem to be built-up around a single sceen or event, as if the idea for that came first and the rest was added later to fill in the time.

So what was the last movie that you watched that just blew you away - and why?

2006-12-10 12:34:05 · 36 answers · asked by John S 2

Im trying to figure out how to put my dvd movies on my ipod. Please help.

2006-12-10 12:32:58 · 1 answers · asked by HUBBS 2

2006-12-10 12:31:28 · 25 answers · asked by nellie 3

I'd like to see it, but I'd like the opinions of folks who've already seen it.

2006-12-10 12:20:59 · 6 answers · asked by kenrayf 6

I remember this family goes on a trip someplace and they bring the sons friend along, it was sort of like the hills have eyes. The father and the sons friend are walking to find help because something happened and they are in a desert and then the boy's friend starts running and then he dissapears. There is also a part where they go out to get ice cream and the kid see a girl in this movie they find. It is supposed to be a scary movie. There is also a part where the woman falls down a hole and she lands on top of used flashlights. Please help me figure this out. I'm stumped and have been thinking about this for atleast 2 months!!lol. thanks for your time.

2006-12-10 12:19:27 · 10 answers · asked by iLy Joe Jonas♥ 3

I just watched it and it confused me... are there really two people or is the insomniac just imagining his counter-part (Brad Pitt). And when the insomniac shoots himself in the end of the movie, why doesn't he die??

2006-12-10 12:19:27 · 9 answers · asked by Trevor 1

2006-12-10 12:17:31 · 20 answers · asked by sexy_enchanted2320032005 4

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