i'm 18 yrs old....just graudated from high school in may....well i work part time at wal-mart.....i absolutely hate working there....it really sucks......the employees there get treated like s.h.i.t........nobody's friendly, they kinda look and treat u like a outcast....they also kinda always look at u suspiciously.....get what i'm saying....anyways, it wouldn't be half as bad if the managers were nicer.......they are sooo rude and mean......and they are always yelling at the employees and me too....i always end up working alone and by myself in my department, when you usually are supposed to have two people in at least every department....because of this, i often get "overworked"....i have to handle the whole department by myself and i still get yelled at by the department manager....she doesn't even acknowledge that i am working my butt off, trying to manage the department....she doesn't even appreciate anything i do...no matter how much i try, i still get yelled at...why ???
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