So George Dubya Bush dies and goes to hell (of course). The devil meets him and says, ok Dub, good to see you again, now I have your soul for all time. The good news is that hell is a kindler, gentler place these days ... we let you choos your own punishment.
Behind this series of doors are a series of punishments, each a little different. Choose the one you want.
Well, GW replies, "That's mighty kind of you ole buddy ..." and proceeds to open door after door, each with a more horrible, disgusting punishment.
Finally after about 1000 doors, GW comes upon Bill Clinton, who is getting a hummer from of all people ... Marylin Monroe.
Bush says: "Well, that seems like a decent one buddy, I'll take that.
The Devil replies: "Are you sure George my friend, don't forget this will go on forever..."
Bush: "I am ready for my punishment, your holiness"
So the devil taps Marylin on the shoulder and says:" OK Marylin, you are relieved ..."
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Jokes & Riddles