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Entertainment & Music - 27 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music

Celebrities · Comics & Animation · Horoscopes · Jokes & Riddles · Magazines · Movies · Music · Other - Entertainment · Polls & Surveys · Radio · Television

Two pieces of string walk into a bar and the bartender looks at them suspiciously. He says "Sorry, boys, we don't serve your kind here." So the pieces of string walk out again.
They're sitting in the gutter outside and feeling really thirsty when one piece of string says "Hey! I've got an idea to get me into the bar."
So he starts twisting and turning, wriggling this way and that, pulling out a few threads here and there. His mate's looking at him and thinks he's gone completely nuts.
Then the piece of string walks back into the bar. The bartender looks at him a little suspiciously again and says "Here, you're not a bit of string, are you?"
The piece of string replies "No, I'm a frayed knot."

A nun in full black habit is walking past a bar when a drunk stumbles out, sees her, and punches her square in the nose. Before she can scream, he lands a sloppy one-two and an uppercut. When she goes down, he starts kicking her with his scuffed business shoes. As a crowd gathers, the drunk stops, staggers back, and slurs, "You're not so tough, Batman!"

2007-06-27 00:16:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

2007-06-27 00:14:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A drunk walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "Drinks for all on me. That is including you, bartender."
The bartender follows the man's order and says, "That will be $42.50 please."
The drunk says he has no money, and the bartender slaps him around and throws him out.
The next night, the same drunk comes in and orders a drink for everyone in the bar including the bartender. Again, the bartender follows the drunk's instructions and the drunk says he has no money. So the bartender slaps him around and throws him out.
On the third night he comes in, the drunk orders drinks for everyone except the bartender.
The bartender says, "What, no drink for me?"
"Oh, no. You get violent when you drink."

2007-06-27 00:13:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

I enjoy my space...

2007-06-27 00:12:03 · 22 answers · asked by LIEUTENANT K STAR!!!! 6 in Polls & Surveys

I'd be soaking up some sun on an exotic island sippin on pina colada

2007-06-27 00:10:40 · 20 answers · asked by ***Nubian_Princess*** 3 in Polls & Surveys


2007-06-27 00:09:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

They are only made to go down.

2007-06-27 00:06:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys


2007-06-27 00:04:49 · 33 answers · asked by Little Miss Pineapple 6 in Polls & Surveys

if you wouldn't trade it tell me why.

2007-06-27 00:04:18 · 26 answers · asked by boo 1 in Polls & Surveys

For me... blue..

2007-06-27 00:03:34 · 27 answers · asked by LIEUTENANT K STAR!!!! 6 in Polls & Surveys

Elijah Wood is a puny little punk *****. All I hoped for in Lord of the Rings was that he'd die from being stabbed by that enchanted sword. I was really pissed when he pulled through. I kept wishing that Samwise would have a revelation and stop being Elijah's fat errand boy then push him off a cliff. He sucked in Sin City and since when does he do martial arts? Couldn't stand him in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. He's a no talent, deer in headlights, transgender, hobbit looking reject.

2007-06-27 00:01:35 · 9 answers · asked by asdf104928408kdjr482obthaw 2 in Celebrities

do you expect one day it'll be published like a glorious piece of literature?
or is it so important to remember everything that happens? maybe on the contrary-it's better to forget past?
tell me about it.

2007-06-27 00:01:09 · 20 answers · asked by boo 1 in Polls & Surveys

It has lyrics going something like
'Mama never seemed to miss the finer things in life
If she did, she never did say so to Daddy
And she didn't seem to notice if he he didn't kiss and hold her
If she did, she never did say so to Daddy
One morning we awoke just to find a note
She said the kids are old enough
And i'm gonna search for love I need so badly
I've been loving you....
But I just can't keep holding on...
Goodbye to Daddy'

2007-06-27 00:00:43 · 4 answers · asked by grant_69_98 2 in Country

I want to add new songs to my MP3 player.. so tell me plz??

2007-06-27 00:00:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rock and Pop

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