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Entertainment & Music - 14 May 2007

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Celebrities · Comics & Animation · Horoscopes · Jokes & Riddles · Magazines · Movies · Music · Other - Entertainment · Polls & Surveys · Radio · Television

I'm not really going to hire a hooker, but I'm watching "Pretty Woman" on tv and I was wondering how good looking are the high priced escorts. Does anyone know how good looking of a hooker you can get if you have an unlimited cash flow? Are there models turning tricks on the side? Or is that just unrealistic casting?

2007-05-14 08:28:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Movies

Are you hungry and think of Mickey D's or is your bladder bursting and you think of a urine stream?

2007-05-14 08:28:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I work at Hardees. I brought some food out to these two guys, and the one started asking me how to remove scratches. I told him how I thought was the best way, and he continued on to tell me why. He went on a business trip with his secretary, and it was the day before mothers day, so he seen his mom as well. He was going back to his wife and kids that day (mothers day) and wanted to get the scratches off his back that were left by his secretary over night. I asked him if it was worth it, and he said yeah cuz it lasted til 5:30 in the morning... he said that his secretaries husband knew about it tho, so he didnt feel guilty. That was TMI (too much information) for a worker at Hardees to hear from a stranger. Whats the worst TMI youve had?

2007-05-14 08:28:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

1 That man is mean and careless and stupid, and that's a bad combination in a place like this. Sooner or later, he's gonna get somebody hurt, or worse.
2 "That's mighty brave talk for a one-eyed fat man."
3 I always keep a spare mouse in my wallet for occasions such as this
4 Get your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty ape
5 And our bodies are earth. And our thoughts are clay. And we sleep and eat with death

2007-05-14 08:28:00 · 7 answers · asked by nostrebor 3 in Movies

Free candy vs. free burgers.


2007-05-14 08:27:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I think I have a bruise , can someone have a look and tell me ?

2007-05-14 08:27:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I want my name to be Frank now. Is that ok?

2007-05-14 08:27:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A bloke in a temperance hall is giving a lecture on the evils of the demon drink. To illustrate his point, he'd got two glasses in front of him, each with a big worm in it. He poured water in one glass and whisky in the other. The worm in the glass of water swam happily about with no ill effects. The worm in the whisky, needless to say, died within a minute or so.
"Now," said the jubilant lecturer to his audience "what does that little experiment tell you?"

"It tells us,"said a voice from the back of the room, "if you've got worms you should drink a lot of whisky!"

I'm not saying my wife's a bad driver but....

I got home yesterday and found the car in the living room.
"How did you get there?" I screamed.
"Simple," came the reply. "When I got to the kitchen I turned left."

Sorry if they've been on here before. Thanks for looking!

Please star if funny...

2007-05-14 08:27:18 · 9 answers · asked by Pipsqueak 3 in Jokes & Riddles

When you open the door to december?

2007-05-14 08:26:57 · 4 answers · asked by Sr Tamara Specialist 4 in Polls & Surveys

i have a pic of nicole richie looking skeletal running in a bikini. i need a caption for a joke newsapaper. i realize anorexia is not a laughing matter etc but shes a spaz and deserves it.

2007-05-14 08:26:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Celebrities

2007-05-14 08:25:33 · 9 answers · asked by Nitz Frugent 6 in Polls & Surveys


Two bored casino dealers were waiting at a craps table. A very attractive blonde woman arrived and bet twenty thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice.

She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude".

With that she stripped from her neck down, rolled the dice and yelled, "Mama needs new clothes!"

Then she hollered "YES! YES! I WON! I WON!"

She jumped up and down and hugged each of the dealers. With that she picked up all the money and clothes and quickly departed. The dealers just stared at
each other dumbfounded.

Finally, one of them asked, "What did she roll?"

The other answered, "I thought YOU were watching!"

Moral: Not all blondes are dumb, but most men are gullible.

2007-05-14 08:25:22 · 17 answers · asked by ? 4 in Jokes & Riddles

2007-05-14 08:25:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Celebrities

2007-05-14 08:24:55 · 23 answers · asked by Nitz Frugent 6 in Polls & Surveys

I haven't had a really good day, and I'm turning 15 :)

Someone cheer me up!

2007-05-14 08:24:50 · 21 answers · asked by babyi'melectricc. 4 in Polls & Surveys

Two prostitutes walking down the street, they bump into each other. "Hello Tracy" the other says " Oh hello Sharon, how's business"? Tracy replies " I've been up to my flat 50 times today", to which Sharon says "Oh, your poor feet!"

2007-05-14 08:24:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

taco, do you have an order to filling it?
Mine goes like this...
Sour Cream

2007-05-14 08:24:19 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-14 08:23:47 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

which animal/ animals would you like it to be?

For me i say Lions..... or wolves...

oh there is a true story about the wolf man who lived with the wolves, ate , and howled....basically he became a human wolf seriously.

2007-05-14 08:23:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A guy walks into a bar, approaches the bartender
and says; "I've been working on a top-secret
project on molecular genetics for the past five
years and I've just got to talk to someone about

The bartender says; "Wait a minute. Before we
talk about that, just answer me a few questions.
When a deer defecates, why does it come out like
little pellets?"

The guy didn't know that. The bartender then
asks, "Why is it that when a dog poops, it lands
on the ground and looks like a coiled rope?"

The guy again says, "I don't have any idea." The
bartender then says, "You don't know ****! and
you want to talk about molecular genetics?"

2007-05-14 08:23:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

2007-05-14 08:22:33 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

It doesn't appear to be on the soundtrack and I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Artist and title would be very appreciated. Thanks!

2007-05-14 08:22:21 · 1 answers · asked by Megan S 1 in Other - Music

I like Laurel & hardy and Steptoe & son

2007-05-14 08:21:49 · 27 answers · asked by Closed 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-14 08:21:31 · 28 answers · asked by staks 4 in Polls & Surveys

And I want a vallied reason. Don't just randomly spew out any old Bob. I want your serious, considered thoughts on this. It's very important I get to the truth.

2007-05-14 08:20:53 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-14 08:20:35 · 28 answers · asked by tami love 1 in Polls & Surveys

Doo-Doo, Doo-Doo, Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo

2007-05-14 08:20:29 · 6 answers · asked by RoyDamnMercer 6 in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-14 08:19:18 · 34 answers · asked by xx 3 in Polls & Surveys

My friend's parents were out for a couple of days and she was home alone. She is such a wuss. She didn't like staying home by herself. I would love to stay by myself. Me and another friend went to see her and she kept begging us to stay. She was being really cheeky so I thought I would get her back. It was late. When we were going home, I told my friend to tell her that I have gone to the car but I snuck upstairs and hid. She asked my friend where I was and found it odd that I left. She locked the door and started singing all by myself. I crept down the stairs and I heard her coming and I screamed at her and she covered her ears and screamed so loudly and fell to the floor burying her head in her knee. I was laughing thinking she was being a drama queen. I thought crap, I made her cry. She was like that on the floor swearing at me for about a min but laughing at the same time. My friend knocked on the door saying she heard her scream. I don't let her live it down.

2007-05-14 08:19:10 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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