A bloke in a temperance hall is giving a lecture on the evils of the demon drink. To illustrate his point, he'd got two glasses in front of him, each with a big worm in it. He poured water in one glass and whisky in the other. The worm in the glass of water swam happily about with no ill effects. The worm in the whisky, needless to say, died within a minute or so.
"Now," said the jubilant lecturer to his audience "what does that little experiment tell you?"
"It tells us,"said a voice from the back of the room, "if you've got worms you should drink a lot of whisky!"
I'm not saying my wife's a bad driver but....
I got home yesterday and found the car in the living room.
"How did you get there?" I screamed.
"Simple," came the reply. "When I got to the kitchen I turned left."
Sorry if they've been on here before. Thanks for looking!
Please star if funny...
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Jokes & Riddles