Its a joke:
There were these 2 kids in sunday school. One was really smart and the other one could care less.The Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Schmidt, asked the dumb kid, Mickey, "who is the creator?" the smart kid, Allison, poked him with a needle... by the way mickey was sleeping- and mickey yelled "GOD!" The teacher said "good job!" then Mrs. Schmidt asked him, "Who is our savior?" Again, Allison poked him with a needle and then mickey yelled "JESUS!" then mrs. Schmidt said "Good Job!" again. Later, Mrs. S. asked mickey "what did eve say to adam after she had her 23rd child?" Allison poked mickey again and he Yelled "IF YOU STICK THAT THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME I'M GONNA BREAK IT IN HALF!!!!!!" Then the teacher fainted.
6 answers
asked by
Allison C
Jokes & Riddles