mine was season five cuz it showed how muuch of a bad a$$ jack bauer is. the first one was cool because it showed how jack got the way he was, from playing chess w/ his daughter to holding his dead wife in his arms within just 24 hours. season 2 was great cuz almost every episode had a twist.
season three was probably the worst of them all but was still awsome. there was more talking in this season.
season 4 was freakin awsome, i think this season had the most suspense and the best characters.
what can i say about season 5 except only the greatest 6 months of tv ever. it was sad to see all those good characters go but jack kicked a$$ in that season.
and to be honest this new season is kinda like the 3rd, and hasnt been as exciting as season 4 and 5 so far
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