I was recently watching CNN and I was encouraged to note that America is becoming increasing concerned about Iraq, loss of personal freedom, Bush etc. There was an interview with John Kerry , then they showed footage of a huge anti-war demonstration, I think it was in washington. All of which gave me great hope for the future.
They even had Jane Fonda there, who felt it was time to speak out AGAIN apparently.
This got me thinking. The LAST time they had anti-war marches, Jane Fonda speeches etc the anti war movement also had huge support from the music industry too. Country Joe and the Fish, Jefferson Airplane etc.
I'm curious. Are there any American singer-songwriters or bands which take an active stand against the war in Iraq? .. or has the music business become so commercialised that no-one can make statements like that nowadays?
Please note that this is a question specifically about MUSIC.and the music industry. .. and NOT the many other issues.
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Not Ecky Boy