Two blondes were fiercely playing togehter "Your rook!" one said "Check!" the other blonde replied"Your queen is trapped!" shouted the first one. "Checkmate!" cried the second one. Seeing they've spent too much time, the waiter came by and took away the dominos from them!
Two blondes riding a bicycle quarrelled over which one would sit beside the window!
A silly patient went to a blonde doctor. He then completely covered his eye with his hand and said "Doc! I don't know why when I put my hand on my eye like that I don't see with it?" "No problem!" the blonde doctor replied. She pierced his hand!
A blonde entered an IQ test competing alone; she took the third place!
A blonde bought a filter. Finding out it was full of holes, she returned it back!
A blonde wanted to insult her husband, so she stood on top of a table, looked at him and told him "Why you low creature!"
A blonde began to understand at last; she was struck dead!
A blonde died; she hid the news from her family!
13 answers
asked by
Mehmet Azk
Jokes & Riddles