The other night I used L'oreal superior preference les blondissimes to dye my light brown/ blond hair a very light blond.
[my hair may also have had a reddish tone, I'm not good with defining hair colour] The dye said not to use a prelightner, so I dyed my hair. The first time, I mistimed and didn't leave the dye in nearly long enough, so I went with my dad to buy some more.
I asked the woman in the cosmetics department if it would kill my hair to dye it again in the same weekend like that, and she said my hair was in pretty good shape, so I'd be fine.
Well, my hair's fine.. except it's this extreme orange-y strawberry blonde colour. Not what I wanted. What I wanted was a pure light blond. Any one know how I can fix this? My hair's not really damaged at all, still pretty nice and soft.. I just really don't want any orange or red tones at all and I don't want fried hair.
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