I pierced my own ear lobes about a week ago, I know it was stupid. I poured boiling water over the needles and earrings before I did it and have been cleaning them 2-3 times per day with warm salt water and the stuff they gave me when I got my first holes done (water and 0.01% benzalkonium chloride). One is healing well, it's not sore and the discharge is whitish. The other is a bit painful if I press on it, but it doesn't hurt to turn it. The discharge is light greenish then darkens as it dries into a crust and it bleeds when I clean it. It's not getting any better or any worse. The salt soaks help a lot, but is there anything else I can do to help it heal? Should I see a doctor? This is the first time I've had problems with piercings, and also the first time I've followed all the aftercare instructions!!
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Other - Beauty & Style