..to the year 1298 AD by mistake.. computer and house disappeared! I am standing below a wood..below lies marshy ground, then a burn. There are a host of us variously caparisoned, some in armour and horseback, some without. Quarter of a mile away is a larger host, bannerets flying, armour and weapons glittering in the morning sun. I have been told this day is the feast of Mary Magdalene, or July 22. A tall bearded man with habergeon and helmet is exhorting his men 'Ich hef broughte zowe to the rynge, hoppe zef ze konne'.. the nearest town is oppidum varie capelle apparently. The languages sound strange..mixtures of strange french, guttural germanic sounding tongues and latin from the priests. Where am I? what is happening? What should I do?
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