Men average approximately 4 points high on IQ tests worldwide, and approx. 35 points higher on the SAT. Even on the verbal section of the SAT, men scored 9 points high on average. Please, someone explain this to me.
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Worldwide desribes IQ as I said.
Males have greater g: Sex differences in general mental ability from 100,000 17- to 18-year-olds on the Scholastic Assessment Teststar, open
Douglas N. Jacksona and J. Philippe Rushton
The University of Western Ontario, Canada
Received 29 August 2005; revised 17 February 2006; revised 11 March 2006. Available online 21 April 2006.
The latest study from Canada reports that 17- to 18-year-old males have a slight edge in IQ, based on an analysis of more than 100,000 SAT scores.
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