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Other - Science - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics Other - Science

I mean, would there be intelligent reptiles then? Because if dinosaurs didn't die out, obviously mammals wouldn't be ruling the earth now would they?

2006-09-09 03:50:26 · 21 answers · asked by szx 2

2006-09-09 03:42:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-09 03:32:44 · 3 answers · asked by fire fox 1

2006-09-09 03:27:59 · 16 answers · asked by moonface 2

2006-09-09 03:26:47 · 29 answers · asked by Kenya 1

2006-09-09 03:02:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

without tasting it!!!!!!!!

2006-09-09 02:56:17 · 10 answers · asked by rAwR♥ 3

2006-09-09 02:49:13 · 18 answers · asked by Shyam R 1

This morning Ive been watching a film. It was one of those compilations of cinematic history and the clips reminded of this and that. Depending on the memory, it made me feel happy, sad, nostalgic, wonderful. Definitely mood altering. Then I wondered why a group of people pretending to be someone else, reading someone elses words as if they were their own, should make me feel like this. Why dont I say 'that's pretence and stupid' instead of really enjoying it?
Does any other species do this - put on theatre, for want of a better word? Do our nearest cousins, the chimps, with whom we share over 98% of our genes, do anything like this? As far as their scientific observers can tell, do they play 'make believe?'. Why is it so important for us to do this?
Please, no funny answers or monkey jokes. This might be the missing link!

2006-09-09 02:48:26 · 9 answers · asked by Rachel Maria 6

2006-09-09 02:29:13 · 11 answers · asked by Navita 3

In relation to ATP providing kinetic energy for muscle movement.

2006-09-09 02:06:02 · 4 answers · asked by Punkin 1

2006-09-09 01:59:03 · 4 answers · asked by john b 1


2006-09-09 01:53:45 · 5 answers · asked by Mr Mayor! 1

Bird watching?
Building robots?
collecting fossils?
..other (specify)

2006-09-09 01:09:18 · 8 answers · asked by river_kiana 1

Comes over us occasionally, the feeling that what we are doing and saying have been said and done long ago, and the feeling of having been surrounded by the same faces, objects, and circumstances? Only 30 percent of the world population has never experienced Deja vu but, the rest have. I will explain experimental why this happens. Déjà vu is a weird, supernatural feeling of having experienced something that is in fact being experienced for the second time. If we hypothesize that the, understanding is actually of a repeated event, then déjà vu probably occurs because the first, experience was neither fully processed by the brain. Some think Deja vu is a way of your brain trying to tell you something or to give you a message. It’s more of a reaction to the familiar; perhaps we experienced it in a dream before or we’ve experienced it before, because we went through a similar experience beforehand, and your mind links it together so it seems we’ve experienced the exact same thing before. Or maybe our mind pick up something to fast so seem as if you are seeing twice.

My theory of the scientific clarification of why déjà vu occurs is the human mind picks up a scene to fast. Once you pick the scene up to fast it is stored in the working section of your brain Or the Sensory memory of your brain to represent the image twice. The scene happened before. I will call this theory one and I’ll test it. Based on recent findings in other scientific studies, Studies of the hippocampus (a brain structure crucial to memory), of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and of a brain wave called theta rhythm suggest that dreaming reflects a essential feature of the processing of memory. In particular, studies of theta rhythm in sub primate animals have provided an evolutionary clue to the meaning of dreams. They appear to be the nightly record of a basic mammalian memory process: the means by which animals form strategies for survival and evaluate current experience in light of those strategies. The survival of this process may explain the meaning of dreams in human beings. This means since animals think about strategies of survival most likely they will use those strategies this could be another possible explanation for déjà vu because the dream is stored in the working memory and never fully remembered but you still have a glance of the memory Enough that when the scène represents it self you can identify the scene. There is also another theory of déjà vu

Brain Activity in Memory
Positron emission tomography (PET) scans reveal brain regions involved in memory. Left, an encoding task (the initial processing of information into memory) activates the left prefrontal cortex. Right, an attempt to retrieve memories activates the right prefrontal cortex.
Courtesy of Dr. Shitij Kapur, MD, PhD; University of Toronto

Simplified Model of Memory
In this information-processing model of memory, information that enters the brain is briefly recorded in sensory memory. If we focus our attention on it, the information may become part of working memory (also called short-term memory), where it can be manipulated and used. Through encoding techniques such as repetition and rehearsal, information may be transferred to long-term memory. Retrieving long-term memories makes them active again in working memory.

1 I turn on the TV,
2 I Turn In To a Show I Previously Recorded

3 I get a person to sit in a chair a look directly at the TV

4 While they are looking at the TV I tell them not to take their eyes

Of the TV and I fast-forward it maximum speed to the end.
5 I tell them to close their eyes and think about what they saw.

6 then I tell I will play another provisionally recorded show

7 I don’t fast-forward another show but just rewind the previsoly one

8 I ask them did they see any of the images twice.

9 If they responded no this theory of Déjà vu is false because their mind cant pick up the image to fast. If they say yes this could be a possible explanation for déjà vu.

Theory Two
1 At 5:00 I tap a person and slightly wake them out.

2 I percent and scene and remember exactly what im` wearing I make sure what the room looks like and all the rest of the details.

3 want the person is waken up o percent and image and I say something then I leave the room. (The image was probably presented in the working memory part of the brain or Sensory memory
And they would think it’s a dream)

5 Then At 10:00 I while percent the same exact image.

6 Later on in the day to not make it obvious I will ask the have they ever experience déjà vu and if they say yes I will ask the to discuss about their most recent case of déjà vu .


For theory one the first person said they did not see any of the images twice that could mean they were not focusing on the TV hard enough and really paying The person I test was below age 15 this could be the reason people 15 of age and down according to studies most don’t get deja vu but the second person who was really focusing thought she saw the images twice this was the response I was looking for see she said the word thought the images probably was not fully processed my the brain but once you see the image twice you can relate to it because it was processed partly

2006-09-09 00:34:01 · 2 answers · asked by Debate 1

2006-09-09 00:26:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i actualy want to answer this for 2 people
one you:
american Cristians often go on about sacrifice and blam as honours like a sacrifice like christ , however it is based on some marters that wouldent fight there brothers in battle,
when nero put some in the arena to fight originaly it was gladiator
survivor , servive however the christian would not fight , threw down his sword , NO ! way i am fighting a brother.
so to the tigers ! thay whent at first saying they wouldent be bitten then being clawed to death in silence.... clap clap
( verry valerus )
this is the setting for >

unfortunatly latterday christians lost the right of freedon .. by enslaving others living ungiving lives and hardly ever sharing there bread ... against the spirit of thee oh lord. so mighty alla a brahim anun anun anun

So september they left to spit on the east unfortunatly a slap deserved one and violence begat not love but revenge.

musalmen of strict nature saught to bind there brothers in faith

2006-09-09 00:07:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I found out this strange thing, and you may try it. It's easiest to do like this: Get another person and look into his/her eyes while your noses are connected, put a light on from right or left side, so that it's powerful enough to be reflected from your and your partners eye. Both should see this light, and look into it. The light in "close-distance vision" could be your pupil, as when you keep your eyes closed and then open 'em you can see how the hole goes from dilated form to a smaller form, just like pupil in the mirror with the same action.
Also, I noticed how you can see your eyelashes in the same "hole", just close your eyes enough to see them in the "hole". And in the light itself I think you can see somekind of bacteria, too.
The edges of the hole seems to be the edges of the iris as it's not 100% smooth, round hole.

I wanted to ask, is this really a person seeing his/her own pupil? I haven't heard about this kind of stuff before, so I wanted to post it here.


2006-09-08 23:23:17 · 2 answers · asked by SF4life 2

...that people with normal eyesight see while under LSD intoxication? do they have any hallucinations that can be considered 'VISUAL', even though they dont have a point of reference,since normal vision has never been part of their life experience?

2006-09-08 21:21:50 · 3 answers · asked by NeedMedicalHelp!! 1

This is part of an ongoing scientific debate I am currently having.

2006-09-08 19:33:36 · 12 answers · asked by John G 5

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