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Other - Alternative · Paranormal Phenomena · Parapsychology

can yous tell me how to fine a paranormal groups in princeton wv or how to start one

2007-12-24 10:34:21 · 2 answers · asked by robertthacker40 1 in Paranormal Phenomena

true. Ordinary explanations also require evidence. So many times, we hear of unusualy sightings in the sky being explained as swamp gas, weather baloons, etc. Are ordinary explanations for extraordinary happenings immune from requirements of proof?

2007-12-24 08:32:10 · 10 answers · asked by Wait a Minute 4 in Paranormal Phenomena

is just that i hace heard that on: xtacys can somehow rise your mind power 2 if thats true then can i do travel thru time

2007-12-23 19:09:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Alternative

For as long as i can remember 90 -95 percent of the time when i am driving at night a street light goes out as i pass under it. Sometimes whole billboards or signs. Its so prominent other people notice it!Why?!
Also i generally have large groups of little birds around me wherever i go! they are usually black and on dreary days they make TONS of noise. (i know this could be bc they are saying a storm is coming) Who is sending these birds?
Im quite puzzled because ive been able to feel spirits and ghosts around me since i was a kid. I cant talk to them but i know how they are feeling, yet i cant pick up what is around in these 2 situations.
Insight please!

2007-12-23 17:10:33 · 12 answers · asked by beiia_dolce 2 in Paranormal Phenomena

so would it be a nice gesture for me to play some records in my room, while im not home

2007-12-23 16:53:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

Has there ever been any video recordings of an apparition manifesting without a human presence being near by?

2007-12-23 16:26:01 · 6 answers · asked by Arcanum Noctis 5 in Paranormal Phenomena

2007-12-23 15:00:09 · 15 answers · asked by Ragnar 4 in Paranormal Phenomena


what about the bible?

2007-12-23 09:10:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

Probably it sounds like a vague or ridiculous question for some of you. However, it is sad that if you find out who you were in your ''previous life'', you would know how to break a chain or infinite circle where you're repeating your mistakes over and over.
Please, answer me without laughs but with at least some tolerance and respect.

2007-12-23 08:38:15 · 15 answers · asked by YinYin^_^~!!!! 无条件为你。。。他还是不懂!!! 3 in Parapsychology

I want to do something with paranormal as a living, but i don't know exactly what... and what would I major in?

I'm going to be going to Southern Illinois Unviersity..

2007-12-23 07:04:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

I am a closet beliver, meaning I would never discuss these things in real life, but I just had my second spirit guide experience, can anybody else relate to this type of xperience

2007-12-23 05:07:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena


2007-12-22 22:57:36 · 22 answers · asked by Life goes on... 6 in Paranormal Phenomena

I have never watched an episode so I have no idea what the show is like. I saw it on sale on DVD and wanted to know, mainly from the paranormal crowd here, on how the show is.

Do you like it?

2007-12-22 19:56:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

i highly believe in otherworldly life, some i disagree with like tec being beyond us and others, but i guess its all possible

anyway a while ago my mom, dad, and I walked in to the house after a musical performance, i looked at the sky to see a star that was moving and said "look whats that" it wasent too fast (quite slow actually) and my dad said oh its just a shooting star, i looked down into my pocket to get my key, look up and the light is gone, a few seconds later i see a bright light where i last saw the "star"

2007-12-22 19:52:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

Can anyone tell me what this means. I was in the kitchen the other day and when I turned around I saw what looked like a very light mist which I thought was smoke coming from the washing machine. I thought the electrics may have gone wrong and thought I would have had to call in there sevice engineer but there was not electrical smell. Then I thought I had accidently put the wrong wash cycle on and put on a boil wash instead of 40 degrees. I checked this and I had not. This mist lasted for about 30 seconds and I stood there and wafted my had thorugh it as if to disperse it and it just did not move. Eventually, it just disappeared. Can anyone explain this to me please

2007-12-22 19:36:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

I was in bed but not asleep or even close to sleep, and heard something metallic clunking/rolling down the stairs. There was nothing there. Then I noticed that the light was on upstairs, so I got up to go turn it off and just as I did so, it went off by itself! I was a bit freaked out by this stage and decided that I must somehow be having some sort of waking dream. Anyway, went and lay down in bed again and just as I put my head on the pillow, there was a huge flash of blue/white light right by my head together with a kind of buzzing noise - it only lasted for a split second. After that, everything was quiet and nothing else happened. I should point out that everyone was asleep at the time, and that nothing even remotely like this has ever happened to me before or since. Any ideas?

2007-12-22 19:07:50 · 8 answers · asked by Vertigo 4 in Paranormal Phenomena

anyone like to share????

2007-12-22 05:13:22 · 6 answers · asked by I'M OLD GREG! 3 in Paranormal Phenomena


Lately i Have Been Having Feelings That Stuff Is Gonna Happen Before It Does Like before The Phone Rings Ill Be Like Ill get it And then The Phone Rings And I Know Who It I and Everything w\o any notice

and i was telling my dad today that he might as well not bother mowing the Lawn because it would break down within the first five minutes and it did and i told my mom she better take the dog to the vet and the dog started puking foam Whats wrong with me? Could i be Psychic?

2007-12-22 04:49:48 · 20 answers · asked by surfurman5 2 in Paranormal Phenomena

I'm serious

2007-12-22 04:28:42 · 9 answers · asked by lolwat 3 in Paranormal Phenomena

2007-12-22 02:30:01 · 20 answers · asked by l1timm1993 2 in Paranormal Phenomena

For several reasons I have suspected that I am being surveilled. Occasionally there are two male voices that call out certain things whenever I am in certain rooms, or even places within rooms. This seems to be harassment based on eavesdropping. I learned from a security expert that this is a technique often used by the FBI to listen in on people without placing electronic bugs in the premises. The expert said it's likely a laser or sonar beam is directed at my windows, turning them into microphones. When I place a white noise generator next to a window, I can clearly hear the sound of these same two voices, as if they are talking on a walky talky. But it is very faint and occurs "inside" the sound of the white noise, so a regular tape recorder does not pick the voices up distinctly. But the voices definitely are there and have been heard by others in my house. I am not crazy, nor am I involved in anything illegal. I need to capture these voices to prove this.

2007-12-21 18:29:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Alternative

Just Curious to see how many paranormal investigators are on Y/A??? I mean i've see a few answer questions and list their team name but didn't know what state they are from please list the state you are from and your team name i'm curious to see how many investigators will answer :)

Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

2007-12-21 18:22:28 · 8 answers · asked by teamhuntingevidenceofparanormal 2 in Paranormal Phenomena

Ever wonder How come you only come across a majority of sightings with apparitions that the clothes they claim to see them wearing appear in only apparel date back over a couple hundred years (ex: Indians, Settlers, 1800's , early 1900's, dress etc.) ???? I mean how come there really haven't been any Cave/ice age men sightings i've heard of ya know???? This includes E.V.P. Recordings how come we haven't ran across a dinosaur's Roar on E.V.P. ;) ? I have my thoughts and opinion what is yours? People asked me this before i want to see what you guys think?

For the Skeptics:
Skeptics what do you think of E.V.P.'s

Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

2007-12-21 18:20:38 · 14 answers · asked by teamhuntingevidenceofparanormal 2 in Paranormal Phenomena

I'm staying at a relatives house for the first time. I was looking out their window and I saw a white shadow go by. It was like a woman figure. Hair in a bun. And then she looked straight at me and then disapated. I got the chills & I'm a skeptic. I didn't tell no one and then next day I heard a story from my uncle about a ghost woman around here that everyone sees. Could it be??

2007-12-21 18:19:56 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

It's difficult to answer certain questions when we don't know which you are...especially when the name can be either too. Not trying to "pry or spy". This is just for those who are willing. Thanks.

2007-12-21 16:39:43 · 7 answers · asked by Deenie 6 in Paranormal Phenomena

Watch this vid http://www.disclose.tv/viewvideo/2165/Are_You_Ready_/

2007-12-21 16:32:34 · 12 answers · asked by Real Deal 2 in Paranormal Phenomena

If they do, can you tell me where please?

2007-12-21 15:24:49 · 3 answers · asked by Fallen Angel 2 in Parapsychology