If Allah was really on the side of Hezbollah and the Arab facist militants how does he let 40,000 faithful get whacked in 1 day the army of the infidels ? Seems Hezbollahs brave fighters are really little weenies shoot then hide like rats in the sewers! If Hezbollah is so great and Allah is on their side why can't Hezbollah march deep into Israel like Israel has marched real deep and right into Lebanon. Where is all this Hezbollah can destroy Israel and can't even stop Israel from marching deep into Lebanon and whacking 40,000 Hezbollah fighters in 1 day ? What a bunch of lack luster, blow hard, full of hot air, worthless, run from the fight, can't fight for squat, tuck tail and run, cowardly little weenies Hezbollah has for fighters! That's all you can get your cause is worthless as teets on a boar hog! What a bunch of losers!!!No wonder the world is all against you! Just a bunch of trouble making punks!!!!
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