i've heard that some people are gay,yet they also say they're christians.i get really confused.how can someone say they're a christian,and then openly profess to live a lifestyle the bible forbids?and there's people who say they're christians,yet they have friends who are gay.and they seem to be okay with it.i can understand that you don't wanna judge your friends,and make them feel bad.but do you actually approve of what they're doing?they're living a lifestyle that's killing them.i saw on here,that some gay people are afraid of catching aids.i know that aids doesn't discriminate,anyone of any sexual preference can get it.but i have heard that gay people are more likely to get it,through anal contact.so,that being said,i think some gay people are starting to wake up.they know in their hearts,that they're living a very dangerous lifestyle,that could end up killing them.i think it's very,very sad.they come up with every reason to justify their lifestyle,a lifestyle that could kill them.
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Miss yavatar girl