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Rap and Hip-Hop

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Music Rap and Hip-Hop

You might have already seen this... I hate Soulja Boy but I love this: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=vNk5jfmaDoI

Could this possibly be the best version of Crank That?

2007-12-09 08:20:50 · 13 answers · asked by Chamillitary Mayne 6

I posted a buy or sell question the other day askin if the underground is better than the mainstream (in today's time). And for the most part I had people agree, but one comment stuck out to me from Holiday Dilla:

"my feeling has always been, that you can start out underground...hell even be there for five years, but if your music aint out for the masses, then what good is it to me.../ they [mainstream] got something about them that is appealing to the masses"

now my question is for anybody who agrees with this statement... If you believe that statement, than can you really complain about all the soulja boy's and DJ UNK's and MIMS' that we have out now? Cuz I mean, that's whats appealing to the masses, thats what the record labels feel is hot- you know??? I'm not tryin to start no huge rift or nothin like that cuz *I KNOW* there's talent in the mainstream, just like its garbage in the underground... but what I am sayin is, you only gettin what you asked for...

2007-12-09 05:25:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rap guys talk about it how do I do it?

2007-12-08 22:57:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want a good Mix of both
Partying / club songs

And some heavy rap songs good for blasting in your car and riding around

2007-12-08 16:40:06 · 7 answers · asked by C1rca_Surviv3 1

he seriously gets all my nerves! if thats hip-hop, then i dont know wat hip-hop is!

2007-12-08 15:53:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you dont like it fine, but why cant i? i dont hate people who listen to screaming rock singers or goth killer music, so if you hate rap why comment on a hip hop rap forum or what ever? dont be jelous cause you aint got rythem, just cause you cant bounce that *** when you at the club. STOP THE HATING!!!!

2007-12-08 12:17:52 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

Toney Sigel



2 hot '07 collabs, who takes the title?

2007-12-08 10:50:01 · 4 answers · asked by What's a P-slap? 3

Buy or Sell: Regulars don't ask enough questions.

Buy or Sell: Too much hating, (I have a few)

Buy or Sell: People think they're the only one clever enough to bash, when in fact they all are annoying.

Buy or Sell: Fake accounts: ithug, futurerapper, my people/my culture*shameless plug If your fake account has a name other than this you failed.

Buy or Sell: Not enough support for battles, biased opinions, and people who don't what they are talking about.

Buy or Sell: Not enough people willing to put thought into a question or answer. ie..."TI sucks" with no reason why, is not an answer. Also too many question repeats.

Buy or Sell: Too much kcid riding.

Buy or Sell: People who want intelligent discussion should just find another site.

I just want to know the opinions on this, These are the things
that kill the experience for me.

2007-12-08 10:00:13 · 11 answers · asked by What's a P-slap? 3


He called my name!(@ 1:18) LOL, but really, he does have some valid points. What are your feelings on Common's views on sites like this?

2007-12-08 08:11:45 · 5 answers · asked by What's a P-slap? 3

Is there a double meaning behind the De La Soul song 'Shopping Bags?' On the outside I know it was about guys spending alot of money on women, but I always thought that beneath the surface, it was about the problems that guys give women, because you know they call women with alotta problems 'bag ladies'.

What do yall think?

2007-12-08 08:06:14 · 3 answers · asked by yungnerd 2

People tend not to read so let me repeat:


Mine are definately Outkast, Goodie Mob/ Dungeon Family, Pastor Troy, and Kilo Ali just because he brings me back to the good ole days. Also TLC, Ludacris, TI, and Scrappy.

And I looooooooove Keri Hilson.

Jeezy and Joc get no love, sorry.

2007-12-08 07:22:31 · 15 answers · asked by yungnerd 2

I believe that alot of violence and poverty is based on the influence of hip hop. Any true lyricist will tell you hip hop is a culture and a culture is something you live. By no means will I blame for murders but music tends to make an impression on the weak minded. Whatever style these spit about and wear in these videos, a majority of my peers will go out and by the second they get some money in their pocket. Do you honestly think the music is only effecting our fashion choices? Those who are intellectually inept may not be able to rationalize, therefore making ignorant decisions based on the lifestyles of songs like "ILL Still Kill" and "One Mic". Plus the movie all hip hoppers seem to love is Scarface, which depicts the life of a cocaine boss leaving this world with guns blazing in both hands, like a G should.

Do you agree or disagree? Dont give me a biased answer based on your love for hip hop because if you read my name, I love hip hop as much as the other man.

2007-12-08 05:47:43 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its the first song on the page titled " dont wanna be alone"

2007-12-08 00:18:28 · 5 answers · asked by ayooamber 1

I just wonder because I sometimes feel that we as males tend to underrate a female rapper because of her gender.

2007-12-07 18:24:57 · 6 answers · asked by Smartass 2012 2

I just re-discovered this song and it brought back memories of all those amazing old school jams- any other songs?

2007-12-07 18:06:05 · 3 answers · asked by Hello There 2

Great joint right here boy...

Whatca think?


2007-12-07 13:59:55 · 8 answers · asked by Rican Princess 5

2007-12-07 12:01:16 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since the year is comming to an end...What was the best song of 2007..Yes you can name more than 1 !!!

2007-12-07 11:56:03 · 15 answers · asked by yagurlkiwe 2

It's an awosome song but to my dad he says its the gayest song in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-07 09:58:39 · 19 answers · asked by Daddiez Girl 1

on most internet websites dedicated to music , they all seem to be sending the message that Jay-Z worships the Devil by sending out Subliminal Messages In His Songs Like For Example ' 666 murder jesus'. is this true?

And also on websites , they also say that snoop dogg worships the devil as he was killed in 1996 [ sounds bollocks , i know] but was brought back to life and that is why in one of his videos he is dancing in a graveyard. apparently , as he was getting buried he astoundadley came back to life and made a song about it straight away (which when reversed says the words 'devil , life , kill , jesus , hell , unleashes , on , earth'

Does this all make sense to you lot and if you heard the full stories before can you say them? i would love to hear! thanks

Trez Kid

2007-12-07 09:07:59 · 5 answers · asked by TrezKid 1

I am, it really makes me fume but there nothing I can do about it. Does it bug you?

2007-12-07 08:50:50 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

In his song "Roc Boys (And The Winner Is...)"

"...N*gg*s got less steps then Britney, That means it ain't been stepped on, dig me?"

Yes I do know what he meant, but some people got different views......so just wondering what your views are and see if it relates to what his meaning is behind it.

2007-12-07 07:37:18 · 4 answers · asked by Rican Princess 5

I'm buyin... I think alot of people is missin out one some good music cuz they either don't like underground rappers, or don't wanna hear underground rappers. But you gotta understand, the people that are mainstream, today were underground at one time... The way I see it, listenin to underground music is like watchin College ball, you witnessin the next people in line for the big leagues. But then you got those great artists who never make it big for whatever reason, and that's the worst thing of it all.

2007-12-07 06:33:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-06 14:45:01 · 16 answers · asked by Butterflied 3

2007-12-06 12:10:23 · 12 answers · asked by James T loves the Patriots 1

mine is fiona apple

2007-12-06 11:50:34 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well I was thinking bout doin it b4 Christmas…hopin 2 find more good links… but since that guy menace posted it….i might as well do it now..anyway

I only been here since July of THIS YEAR …and I can tell you This section is the best but by far the most craziest lets re-live some hip-hop section moments shall we…(at least of what I know from july) (idk anything b4 july)

CJ’d ERA (Sorry CJ lol don’t take it too offense)

Start of CJ’d

Escobar vs. CJ (this includes Escobar telling CJ he would buy her a plane ticket too Philly so he can like kill her or something) (not tryin 2 diss u juss relivin)

Every1 vs. CJ



Escobars 76 Suspensions

Escobars Gun Video (any1 remember that?)

Bradley Attack Era (I got the worst out of this) (This includes the ALL the Bradley aliases and Ms. Weezy F. baby, McWoman, and Fake: ANT, Evil, & HNIC) (worst week in YA history)

Evil vs. Lil Wayne (Evil must have dissed lil wayne like 3 times in a rap)

Assemble of Rhyme Terrorists and Spit Squadron

HNIC vs. iThug

HNIC vs. Yay Area
(That’s prolly da most thumbs down I ever seen HNIC get)

RT Takeover

Evil vs. Charlie Checkm


Aimjeezy=iThug and Mybigstuff

Everybody in the rap section rapped


Esco’s diss to HNIC

HNIC’s diss to Esco

You Would Have to see esco’s numerical slaughter to know why HNIC wrote his diss like that

Escobar’s Numerical Slaughter

Yay Area and CJ say “love” each other

*if you can find the links I didn’t you should add em…

**feel free to comment or add any moments….

2007-12-06 10:40:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live Alicia Keys "no one" and Kelis "im bossy" lol yeeaahh!!

2007-12-06 06:09:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think January of 2009. Either that or after I have my first born. Ha!

2007-12-06 02:22:34 · 9 answers · asked by ♥sista 5

did anyone else read this trash?

Listen. [Leans in, speaking directly into the recorder] Darling, I don’t care what nobody think. Talk to me like you talking to Martin Luther King or Malcolm X. You’re not about to ask him about what he think about what somebody said about him. You ’bout to ask him about his greatness, and his greatness only. I don’t care what nobody think. If I did, you wouldn’t be sitting on my muthafuckin’ million-dollar bus in my 15th year at the same muthafuckin’ company and business. I’m a role model. You should get like me. Get like you? No. Get like me. Ya understand me? I’m not hot. Hot dies out. Baby, I’m me. Who the **** done this? Nobody. Compare me to people that’s not even living, baby. And they didn’t even do it—what they comparing me to. No disrespect to them. You found songs on those people after they died. I’m still living.

2007-12-06 01:28:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous