4 guys were playing gulf.
one guy named "Mark"
had a phone call so it was a girl mark put it on speaker
she asked "Honey i saw our dream car but its $560,000 should i buy it?
he said:"Sure!" she ask: "Ok! i saw our dream house but its $800,820 should we buy it?"
HE said:"Any price doesn't matter buy whatever ya WANT!!"
She: "ok! i saw our dream cat and dog i cost 1million bucks,so i can buy it now!!!!!"
HE:"Bye" he hang up.all of his friends were really surprized!
then he finnally said:"Ok who's phone does this belong to?"
Get it? it wasn't his phone!!!!
A little boy was at the beach he asked his mom why were the things the other woman have bigger than hers? she said it was because there were sillier than her!
then he asked why the things dad has was smaller than the men here? she said it was because there were dumber than him!
few minutes later he told his mom that "Dad was talking to the silliest woman and his getting dumber and dumber by the time!"
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Jokes & Riddles