Is school supposed to be this stressful, because I feel so overwhelmed. AHHHH!!!! I'm in 10th grade and school is just so stressful! I can't even spend the weekends relaxing the whole day anymore...instead, I have to scram around and try and get a bunch of homework done...I feel so stressed...sometimes I start crying! Then I have to worry about all this what I'm gonna carry tomorrow, what I'm gonna wear, how I'm gonna look half decent, oh crud I gotta take a shower, do laundry, etc. ! Then I have to GO to school and that's stressful too...I hate having to sit in class for 2 hours and have the teacher call on me and do all this work...and then I get so tired...yawning constantly...but it's hard to find time to sleep when there is so much hw...on the weekend we're supposed to catch up on sleep...but instead the teachers give a bunch of homework..."OH. You have Friday to do it..." they say...but common...we're tired when we get home on Friday...AHHHHHHH! How do I manage?!
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