I ate a hot dog and cheese omelet for the last couple mornins.
I drive a beat up 1986 Chevy pickup that barely gets 10 mpg.
I use my Letherman not only to clean dishes, but as a fork.
I borrowed a Swiffer and sos pad to scrub the kitchen floor because I don't own a mop.
I used a Dremel I bought at a garage sale to clean a pan with stuff burnt on (I baked the hot dogs).
At 24 years old I have only had 1 girlfriend. We are gettin hitched in a couple months.
Iv spent more time in the woods that most people have spent in a book.
I missed the net+ by only 2 questions.
I run my own server.
I cuddle with my kitten every night.
I can make a yard look better than Hank Hill.
On my last camping trip I brought an ac/dc inverter to run my laptop. (phone was roaming, so no internet)
Garfield is my favorite show.
I'm to lazy and busy to put my working motor in my Chevy car.
I listen to Gospel, Jazz, Country, and Blues; mostly Country.
I only watch TV when someone else turns it on.
I live in Michigan.
30 answers
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