I think the U.S. law is terrible on youth emancipation for males. You either have to get married, join the military, or have a court issued order to have him legally emancipate. I believe if a son is 15 he is old enough to make his own decisions and should be considered an adult. If a 15 year old son is emancipated, he will have all the legal rights of an adult including entering contracts, right to have a drivers license, right to purchase firearms, etc. The point is that at age 15, he should know right from wrong and have a good head on his shoulders. If he works hard he can drop out of school (his legal right), and be a step ahead of the other guys learning useless information the last couple of years of high school. I know girls shouldn't be emancipated until marriage, but with guys its different. They need to be given responsibility so they can become more mature. On the flip side, rebellious sons also should be emancipated at the father's order. He shouldn't have to put
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