The baby, 22 months, got an orange marker and colored herself and the table. Then she accidentally locked herself in the bathroom and before I could get her out she had dumped most of the cat food into the water dish. Then at lunch she smeared peanut butter and jelly all over her hair. I was, at that point, cleaning up the juice from the floor after she had grabbed the cup off the counter before I could put the sippee cup lid on. While I was cleaning up the table and her high chair (also smeared with PB&J) she wandered into her bedroom and ripped 10 or 12 wipes out of the container. I told her NO really loudly and she started to cry. Right about this time the four year old tripped UP a step and slammed to the floor smashing her knee and foot. While I was trying to help her I came up fast under the edge of a plate rail on the wall and I wanted to cry, too! Can I blame all of this on Y!A?! PLEASE???
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asked by
AKA FrogButt
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