First and foremost, when (not if) the judge gives the OK to bury Anna in the Bahamas, it would be a victory for Anna not Howard K. Stern since Anna wanted to be bury next to her son Daniel. Having said that, if Daniel was buried in the family plot in Texas, I would support Vergie getting the body over Howard. For howard K.Stern my heart is breaking, THIS MAN REALLY LOVED ANNA! Through all her abuse of him broadcast on and off screen(big fan of the Anna Nicole show on E)he stuck with her. Through ALL THOSE MEN, he was at her side praying for his turn and finally she came to her senses and agreed to marry him and this happens---ain't life a B**ch. Reality is, if it wasn't for Howard Anna would have self distruct and died a long time ago. If that baby is taken away from Howard, it would kill him. This is the level of control Anna had over Howard, she slept around got pregnant and have Howard claim Danielynn as his when he knew the baby belong to Birkhead. Always at Anna's side doing whatever she requested of him (where can I find a man like this)!!!!!
I hope the paternity test proves that Howardis Danielynn father, this way no one can take away his little ANNA.
1. Howard K. Stern loved Anna
2. Howard K. Stern was obsessed w/Anna
3. Howard K. Stern was a sniveling coward/leech.
4. Howard K. Stern was an enabler.
5. Howard K. Stern loves money.
All these CAN be true at the same time. I watched the Anna Nicole show from its premier to the last episode, and it was clear from start to finish that Howard worshipped the ground she walked on.
He was (and is) a mindless, spineless leech of a man back then, and he's the same now. But that doesn't mean he didn't love her. He did. He was just a weak man who knew if he didn't give her what she wanted, she'd kick his bleep to the curb. Notice everyone who stood up to her was sent packing.
Anyway, Howard is all the things I listed above. No one person is all evil or all good. Stern can love Anna and still be a cowardly leech. Unlike cardboard characters in books and movies, real people are multi-faceted.
I believe Howard. He's the only truthful and decent person out
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