This guy is in in bed with his wife when there is a rat-a-tat-tat on
the door. He rolls over and looks at his clock and it is 3:30 in the
"Who on earth can that be at this time in the morning?!"
Then a louder knock follows. "Aren't you going to answer that?"
said his wife, "It might be an emergency".
The guy groans, puts on his dressing gown and goes to answer the
door. He opens the door to find a bloke standing there.
"Eh mate, can you give us a push?" he says.
"No get lost, it's gone three in the morning" came the reply.
The guy went back to bed, climbed in and told his wife.
"Well that wasn't very nice of you Dave. Remember that night we
broke down in the pouring rain on the way to pick the kids up from the
babysitter and you had to knock on someone's door then. They helped
get us started again. What would have happened if he'd told you to
get lost?"
"Oh for goodness sake, okay I'll go and help him." So he quickly
gets dressed, goes down to the door but he can't see the stranger so
he shouts for him.
"Hey there, sorry I was a bit shirty with you, do you still need a push?
He hears a voice reply "Yeah please mate".
He still cant's see the stranger so he shouts again, " Where are you,
I can't seem to see you?"
The stranger replies, "Over here on the swings."
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Jokes & Riddles