Ok, I'm really having trouble with this situation. It could be due to my own lack of extensive experience with men(I am 23, dated my x for 4years, then met my current bf we're going on 3 years) My ex was a very nice guy, I was really in love with him in the beginning but slowly got bored, dumped him & met my current bf. I,up until recently, was CRAZY about this guy. Then its like I slowly get bored with him & his little annoying habits become so irratating I go nuts!! We have good chemistry, I love his family, we have made changes for each other,etc. But I feel that theres an important component missing, we dont have very indepth, intelligent conversations. Im not saying hes dumb at all but hes just not that introspective. I'm getting antsy again. I really need advice, are they just not "the one" or is it me? Am I looking for an excuse to run? As much as I LOVE the idea of being married 4ever, I also find the idea TERRIFYING! Please give me your opinions, just no nasty comments please!
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