I'm at a loss to find a good word for this. The closest word I can find to what I am looking for is "intermediate," but that just doesnt sound or feel right to me.
There seems to be a rung missing in this word ladder at position number three. (Hopefully, what the activity or occupation is, has no influence on the context.)
5. retiree
4. professional
3. ?????? (possibly intermediate)
2. amateur (Some dictionaries classify this the same as novice, while others define it as a skilled person who does not do their craft or trade as a means of making a living, nor for financial gain.)
1. novice / apprentice / student
What word would best describe someone is neither an amateur nor a professional? Surely there must be an in-between word.
If "intermediate" is the only word that best describes this position, then I suppose I will have to utilize it, despite its awkwardness.
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