I never understood why so many people think that the female human is more beautiful than the male human. If the female didn't wax her eyebrows, shave her legs, pits and other areas, paint her face (going for that "natural" look of course, which is in itself a laughable contradiction,) create elaborate hairstyle and position her body in ways that make it look better than it actually does (push-up bras and nylons, anyone?), she'd resemble a rather plain-looking ... boy.
When I appreciate the power, strength and angular beauty of a man's body, I never find myself questioning the authenticity in his beauty. Men roll out of bed, shower, shave and scratch their asses, and voila! Even if women didn't take over an hour preparing, can you honestly say that her beauty would still hold true under inches of leg and pit hair, uncovered zits and frazzled, long hair hanging in her face? Women require so much maintenance. You don't see men carrying their balls inside little, lacy baggies.
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