I need help for red nose day.
On friday we have to dress up as a pop star and i don't know one which i could go as and look convincingly like them.
I have very light brown skin and dark brown/asian straight hair which is an inch or two longer than shoulder length.
I do have facilities to curl/crimp/straighten/braid/wrap my hair, but i'm really stuck on who to be.
Another problem is that i do have quite a baby face, one suggestion was vanessa anne hudgens (the high school musical girl) but she doesn't have a stereotype look.
i want to be convincing and reallistic enough to be able to pull off the look, i don't want to be seen as lame.
so if anyone has any suggestions please do send them in.
oh yes, under no circumstances do i wear skirts.
thank you for your time in reading this and hopefully answering.
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