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All categories - 31 December 2006

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I have a son. His name if Fadil. He is 21 months young.

He main problem is: Fadil doesn't respond to any visuals. He can listen to the sound but doesn't know how to interpret them.
We checked with eye specialist and he said anatomically everything is fine.

Now we are seeing a child neurologist. We did MIR and other boold test. Everything seems fine. Now he is geeting some vitmamins to speed up the development.

At this stage, all he can do is roll his body. He doesn't want to sit. He can sit for some time but we got to hold him.

He is undergoing physio therapy and sensory intergration therapy but the results are slow.

Does unfortunately has come across any case like Fadil( my son)? What would you advise?

I did his medical checkup in one of the best hospitals in singapore and they couldn't comeup with any diagonisis.

I appreciate any advise.

A Father!!!

2006-12-31 16:42:53 · 6 answers · asked by triconville 1 in Newborn & Baby

so how are you feeling about next year? what is your new yeaars resolution?

2006-12-31 16:42:50 · 17 answers · asked by roseeee 3 in Other - Holidays

why dose people say this 2007??? I think that is the GIGGEST mis
noma and every one is contuning with that nonsenc. Imagen! there are BC. that is befor crise, there are AD. thats antemeredon, thet is long befor crise then a few years ago they have found some
boles in, I for got the country but they say it was about 2 to 3 millions yrs. old so how the hell this yr. is 2007?? can some one tell me some thing please??? Well I can tell you why and even when. 2007 years ago when the Bretish the french, and the Itelian were capturing the world like what american is trying to do now that's when the British quot end of quote Stoped the world and started it @ year one to now. And that's not a joke that's what happened. I am not joking @ all.It is seprised to know how people
can just follow on just like a sheep going to be slorted and because they born in the world hering some thing they do not think
about they just go on like a living followera and do not think it's
shockingly seprising.>>

2006-12-31 16:42:43 · 6 answers · asked by norman j 2 in Marriage & Divorce

And which one of you brought those AMAZING potstickers?

2006-12-31 16:42:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I found these Now & Latters in my jean's pocket..... and my jeans have been washed about 3 times (since I put them in my pocket), I was just wondering.... should I eat the Now & Latters? I mean, they look like someone sat on them for 5 hours.

2006-12-31 16:42:27 · 8 answers · asked by Death Virus 6 in Polls & Surveys

here it goes ..this is the worst new years ever!!! my husbands sister gave this girl my husbands and i's email and i checked it and she is trying to meet my husband and go out ...my husband dont know about the email and i dont know who it is ..his sister keeps giving out our email and phone numbers out and they started calling ..his sister tryed to break us up 3 yrs ago and now that we've been married for 2 yrs he never did nothing wrong im just so tierd of this ..could she be trying to break us up again?? im pregnant and im going nuts ..he's at work right now an im getting worried i feel like im going off the deep end

2006-12-31 16:42:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


2006-12-31 16:42:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

I have ideas for tattoos.

*The Japanese kanji for 'sexy' on my boobs (Like Eve's pawprints
*A dotted line and 'Cut along here' on my wrist
*A garter/ stockingtop and suspender on my thigh
*selbydate16.... somewhere, but no idea where.

These tattoos would most likely be in black and white, if I ever get them XD!

2006-12-31 16:42:13 · 19 answers · asked by swelwynemma 7 in Tattoos

2006-12-31 16:42:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I saw some using different helmets then others.

2006-12-31 16:41:50 · 1 answers · asked by fire_cat_173351 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

help help help!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-31 16:41:50 · 3 answers · asked by kirti s 1 in Mathematics

...or join them in there celebration for the new year? It's 10:31pm and they are playing loud music and singing, playing on the drumset and guitars and singing, singing incoherently, running around the neighborhood while singing, drinking and singing, ect... there's even someone crying and singing. I don't wanna hear any ******* singing. Should they have their fun? They're dropping beer bottles in my backyard and my dogs freaking out. The bottles are on his ****, I don't wanna pick it up. This year sucked, agree? Whats the best thing you liked about this year? My neighbors were the best this year... you're all gonna get trashed tonight and wakeup at 4pm tommorrow with a massive head ache. Happy New Year!

2006-12-31 16:41:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Holidays

When I was 16, (now I'm 24), I was caught having sex with my boyfriend. Yes thats too young, I know. Well my father pulled down my pants and used his belt to spank my bare butt repeatedly, leaving welts. It hurt to sit down for at least a week that I remember. This is in the state of TN. At that time, my parents said not to tell, that I would be put in foster care and that would be worse. I have never forgotten this and I was wondering what would have probably actually happened if I had reported it?

2006-12-31 16:41:30 · 13 answers · asked by Lisa B 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-31 16:41:27 · 11 answers · asked by gapingzulu 1 in Television

OK. Last year I told this girl I liked her using AIM, but because my screen name had "Spy bot" in it, her parents blocked me. I have not talked to her recently because we are in different classes. And recently my friend and I were in town and he suggested I buy her this duck we found at a record shop, and I gave it to her (she was with a friend at one of those Color Me Mine places, and later that same day she left a note at my house saying "Thanks for the Duck". I Just talked to her other friend who said she was bragging aboutit at school. I still like her and want to know if she feels the same. Should I take the chance and talk to her?

2006-12-31 16:41:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

This machine makes individual cups of coffee at varing strengths from fresh grounds then discards the grounds and is ready for the next selection.

2006-12-31 16:41:22 · 4 answers · asked by Gary B 1 in Non-Alcoholic Drinks

my mom told me that my crush and his dad were admiring my butt when i bent over to do something?

2006-12-31 16:41:15 · 18 answers · asked by annamariecreed 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-31 16:41:15 · 16 answers · asked by Jenni T 1 in Fast Food

bible, that they pick up a flag pole and smash your brains in that way, or even worst, band together in large groups and fly over you, your family, friends and community dropping carpets of deadly bombs and burning the land as they scream god bless amerikkka?

2006-12-31 16:41:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I got hacked...
I know my password but the hacker changed my pin! Can you people help me by naming all the possible pins?

2006-12-31 16:41:01 · 5 answers · asked by (: 2 in Video & Online Games


2006-12-31 16:41:01 · 9 answers · asked by Trend 2 in Celebrities

a) 25 Million years
b) 15 Million years
c) 10 Million years

2006-12-31 16:40:57 · 7 answers · asked by Rose 1 in Astronomy & Space

2006-12-31 16:40:47 · 26 answers · asked by kweenb2327 3 in Polls & Surveys

In general, plus-sized models are actually average sized women and teenage girls. I myself would more than likely qualify as a "plus-sized" model even though I am in no way "fat" and am roughly the same size as most of the girls in my class....at least the ones who eat anyway....

I think they should call "normal" sized models Anorexic-sized models or Underweight models or something....

When one hears the term plus-sized you usually think of women who wear actuall plus sized clothing and are actually somewhat overweight......So why is this term used in modeling?

2006-12-31 16:40:42 · 18 answers · asked by pookie 3 in Other - Beauty & Style

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