...to people who work in the services industry, i.e. cashiers, managers, basically anyone who has to put up with a lot of customers' sh!t on a daily basis?
Does the thought that they've probably already had at least 15 people before you with the same question/comment/problem as you, before you?
I'm not griping, just wondering. Normally customers are really nice but you get people that no-one wants to serve, even if it means that you lose them as customers...
As a cashier you realise how easy it is to get tired of the same comments from different faces E.V.E.R.Y S.I.N.G.L.E D.A.Y... And you still have to be "Sannie Sonskyn".
Your views?
Have a nice week guys! =)
11 answers
asked by
Lady G
South Africa