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Wrestling - September 2007

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There is talk of adding Kevin Nash to the Sting vs. Kurt Angle match at Bound for Glory and doing a 3 way Monsters Ball with Abyss, Rhino and Judas Mesias.

Omfg nash in action would be great.......rhino vs judas and abyss would be awesome

GORE, Black Hole Slam, and that jumping Black out( i guess dats his finisher)

2007-09-15 10:54:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok before i let you guys answer i want to give you my opinion of tna and wwe and why they are both great and why tna doesnt suck. OK people say tna is made up of all old wwe superstars ok i agree i wont argue but look at wwe it is made up of mostly ex ecw and wcw and it even has some tna stars ok so don t use that as a excuss why u hate tna ok second people say tna has crappy story lines but look at wwe faking vinces death and all that ok and also tna does more wrestling and puts up better matches i mean whens the last time you saw a hardcore match im not saying tna is better than wwe but dont say it sucks because the truth is it doesn t i have great respect for both companies but i realized that everyone who craps on tna knows how great it is and they know it will be great competition otherwise they would have no reason to bash it so tell me true reasons why tna sucks dont just make up stupid things because its all false and tna is a great company

2007-09-15 10:50:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which one will be better

Pick Two matches you like



Lax vs XXX

Sting vs Angle

2007-09-15 10:43:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Proud John Cena fan and Hulk Rules have been voting themselves best answers. Look at these links and see for yourself. I found these while researching Proud John Cena fans, people say she has been voting herself best answers and I found this.



2007-09-15 10:35:09 · 8 answers · asked by Metsuya 1

Please be descriptive. Tell me who won in the matches and how. Don't include anything that has to do with the Divas. I honestly don't care about them. OR if you saw a video on Youtube that has it, then please give me the link. Thank you.

Sorry if I sound demanding. I just read it over and I think I sound pretty demanding.... Lol.

2007-09-15 10:33:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


it made me make a double-take

2007-09-15 10:28:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Die and all wrestlers go to tna, since tna is the closest to ECW in the old days.

Kevin Thorn - Powerhouse, should come

Elijah Burke- Has some skills, should come

Cm Punk- Skills like crazy, Should come

Matt Strike- Can Be Lik Robert Rhoode but he has some skills

Big Daddy V- Send him to smackdown

Stevie Richards- Some SKills should come

Mike Knox- Fire

Extreme Expose....DEF bring them to tna haha

Nunzio- Good for X division i guess and should come

Tommy Dreamer- OMFG DEF BRING

Tazz- well duh of course bring him

The Miz- Fire

Balls Mahoney- lmao balls balls balls balls baaaaaallllllsss yeah bring em

Boogeyman- Send him back to smackdown or raw.

John Morrison- Skills lik crazy, bring em

Cor Von - I miss him in tna, so bring em

So would ECW be better goin in this direction or no??

2007-09-15 10:22:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Goin First Match Too last Match.

Last MAtch is main event

1. Black Reign vs Rhino( TLC) Rhino Wins

2. Eric Young and Shark Boy vs VKM vs Serotonin(Normal Tag) Eric Young and Shark Boy Wins

3. James Storm vs Kaz (First Blood) Kaz Wins

4. Ultimate X Match- Tag Team Titles
XXX vs LAX vs Team Pacman vs Aj Styles and Tomko vs MCM (MCM)wins

5. X Division Match
Christopher Daniels vs Petey Williams vs Black Machismo
Christopher Daniel Wins

6. Steel Cage Filt With Weapons Match
Sting vs Judas Mesis vs Abyss vs Christian Cage(christian would basiclly be the punching bag)

7. Heavyweight Championship
Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan vs Angle vs Rikishi
Samoa Joe Wins

2007-09-15 10:13:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

bonus: who are the superstars who only need to win one belt before being a triple crown winner and what belt do they need to win?

2007-09-15 10:03:35 · 2 answers · asked by GUS IS HERE 4

As you all know I have not been here since about Thursday.

What did I miss since I was off?

Randy Orton vs Cena, will probably be the match of the night tomorrow at Unforgiven.

What other match would you consider the best?

2007-09-15 10:00:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Luger befriended Barry Windham, his former Florida ally, and formed a tag team, dubbed "The Twin Towers"
Big Boss Man and Akeem "The African Dream"

from what I can see, it was about the same time, but who had the name first?

2007-09-15 09:13:05 · 5 answers · asked by FarmerCec 7

ok guys...
im feeling a bit random and hyper so sorry if this q. seems a bit...weird!
so here it is...
if you could make the perfect yahoo user, what qualities from other users would you use to make the perfect user?
LOL! did that make any sense at all?!
basically, if you were making a cake (the perfect yahoo user), which ingredients (qualities from other users) would you use?
get it?
ok, now do the same with a wrestler...
the perfect wrestler = which qualities from other wrestlers???
good luck guys...i know my q. makes no sense at all but hey! try it!
thankoooooooooooooo guys!!!

2007-09-15 07:57:49 · 13 answers · asked by . 4

I need one for my website

2007-09-15 07:42:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is one of the greatest moments in wrestling histroy?
What is so sad is the fact they did not last long...guess too many people were screaming, "Out with the old, In with the New!" Too bad the new is no where neer as good as the old,

Who all would be screaming "Breing back the 4 Horsemen!"

Wrestling is Cool

2007-09-15 07:25:37 · 9 answers · asked by Bugs Bunny 6

triple h vs cena in a real match for real not scripted personally i think triple h would win

2007-09-15 07:21:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don´t tell me I am late, already know that. He was on this list
saying he quit, now he is not on the list.
I just seen another artical on him saying :
Nature Boy' abandons WWE

September 9, 2007

From :

Does any one really know what is going on with him or is it all just speculation?

2007-09-15 06:40:37 · 9 answers · asked by Bugs Bunny 6

2007-09-15 06:31:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I seen another question on here about the Twin Towers, while voting, but never seen their names on any of the answers. I wonder, how short lived were they?

2007-09-15 06:22:38 · 4 answers · asked by Bugs Bunny 6

2007-09-15 05:50:18 · 16 answers · asked by Masterman 2

How would you defend it when people crap on it?

2007-09-15 05:31:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

John Cena will lose the WWE Championship to.......

2007-09-15 05:25:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is my list of the most richest and wealthiest wrestlers right now !!!

1.Hulk Hogan

2. Triple H

3. John Cena

4. JBL


2007-09-15 05:24:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay I know Trish Stratus is supposedly the greatest womans champ of all time but I disagree. I just don't understand why she was the one who got to have the record for title runs when people like Lita, Molly Holly, Victoria, Ivory and many more are much better than her. Her only real purpose was to be in romance storylines with 500 diffrent wrestlers. Am I the only one whos feels this way.( I think I am)

2007-09-15 05:20:02 · 14 answers · asked by Widows Peak Freak 3

just wondering

2007-09-15 04:24:58 · 4 answers · asked by christina r 2

Which users would make for a pretty good match?

2007-09-14 23:25:19 · 18 answers · asked by Bobby the WOOD Heenan 4

It's Time For Round One Of The
Cruiserweight Tournament Of Champions!
Jushin Thunder Liger Vs Jimmy Wang Yang
Tajiri Vs Black Machismo
Ultimo Dragon Vs Psychosis
Rey Misterio Jr Vs Hurricane Helms
Shannon Moore Vs Billy Kidman
Flyin Brian Pillman Vs Jerry Lynn
Sabu Vs Juventud Guerrera
The Dynamite Kid Vs Blitzkreig
Elix Skipper Vs Petey Williams
Alex Shelley Vs Shark Boy
La Parka vs Taka Michinoku
Sho Funaki Vs Tiger Mask
Chavo Guerrero Vs Chris Sabin
Paul London Vs Brian Kendrick
Jeff Hardy Vs Matt Hardy
Kid Kash Vs Sonjay Dutt
All Participants are in the prime of their careers.
Your Votes Will Be Tallied To determine who advances.
Round 2 will follow tomorrow night
Have Fun

2007-09-14 17:51:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

taking a dare?


2007-09-14 15:01:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-14 14:58:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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