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Wrestling - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Sports Wrestling

You Voted and now Your Picks are ready to do battle in the Quarterfinals
Jushin Thunder Liger Vs The Dynamite Kid
Tajiri Vs Alex Shelley
The Ultimo Dragon Vs Flyin Brian Pillman
Tiger Mask Vs Chris Sabin
Have Fun and remember your votes determine tomorrows semifinals

2007-09-16 15:22:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

You Voted Now Here are your semi-final matches
(1 match must be a triple threat tag because of a tie in the quarterfinals)
The Brothers Of Destruction Vs The Road Warriors
Demolition Vs Edge & Christian Vs The Midnight Express
Vote and your winners will face off in Tomorrow's Finals!
Have Fun and once again thanks for all the positive feedback so far

2007-09-16 15:17:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cena's gonna win peeps. Take it to the bank.
So star if you think this is The Absolute Worst Bottom Feeding WWE PPV Of All Time.
And any opinions on this Horridness?

2007-09-16 14:52:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

At a bar where several wrestlers were staying at after Monday's Raw, a fan asked Randy Orton for a picture. Orton took the fan's camera and then went upstairs to a private area. He then threw the camera, though a person managed to catch it. Below is a fan report regarding the incident. Continue reading to find out what else happened:

Hey, just got back from Green Bay, WI. today and I just wanted to pass along a note from after the show.

We had went to a local bar afterwards, and that seemed the place to be! RIght when we got there we saw Kennedy (who we were THRILLED with seeing as he is suspended). We got our pictures with him as well, awesome guy! Also there were Carlito, Beth Phoenix, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Santino Marella, Coach, Kevin Thorn, Cody Rhodes, Shelton Benjamin, and last but not least, Randy Orton. I will get back to him in a minute. Everyone else here was awesome, signing autographs, pictures, whatever fans wanted.

2007-09-16 11:53:09 · 27 answers · asked by HULK RULES!! 7

That all of the other great users have slowly stopped asking or answering questions?

Those are Jayson Kane...Missing Link...Nature Boy...even Mr. C.....I'm starting to think.........

Wrestling Question: Who was Undertaker's first manager?

2007-09-16 11:34:32 · 18 answers · asked by Book of Wrestling 6

I'm very disappointed.I was really looking forward to Randy Orton possibly winning tonight at Unforgiven,but I don't know if that'll happen now.The outcome of the match might be JOHN CENA retaining his title.I know I wouldn't be surprised,but still.John Cena this,John Cena that!Dammit,he needs to choke in the corner! Seriously,he's had that title for 2 years.Not 1 year,2!I'm not even exaggerating people.It's gonna be exactly like Hulk Hogan's title reign.And even if that does happen,WWE will lose a fan.And that fan will be me,because dozens of wrestlers are so talented in the WWE company and Vince plus the writers don't even bother giving some of these poor people ONE chance.JUST ONE CHANCE,VINCE!WWE you really disappoint me.This is exactly why you are losing fans.It's ridicoulous.Vince is making the WWE HELL.I can't stand watching Cena any longer coming out with his dumbass entrance music and holding that title in his hands anymore.It's just plain sickening.Vince is always going againsts fan's wishes.Vince always does it his way.All he cares about is MONEY,MONEY,AND MORE MONEY.It's sad.All this crap is getting shoved down our throats,can't you people open your eyes and see that?There are so much people on the ECW,RAW,and Smackdown roster that deserve that title more than Cena.Cena's had his time to shine.His fame's over.Hand down the gold already,John!And I'm not just talking about Cena.Seriously,I know have of you aren't going to agreeing with me.As you know,the Cena fans might go ballistic,but it's true,Cena fans.I'm not going to critizing you Cena fans because I know you guys worship him,but it's that SOME of you are so damn ignorant to see what kind of position John Cena is in.WWE isn't the same anymore.The tag team divison is crap,the storylines are crap,and most of all I'm not blaming Cena for this I'm blaming the WWE for this..it's just sad what the wwe is right now.I miss the old wrestling. =[

2007-09-16 10:30:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

thus turning kane heel and ruining taker return would finnaly get him his heel hate and the boos from the crowd then now kane could get was he deserves a great feud with taker then later when edge(who would be back from injury and be champ by than) comes destroy edge like he should have done the last time and then finnaly lose the tittle to taker at wrestle mania

2007-09-16 09:34:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

add in your name and profile RLR! it means Ruling La Raza! star me once you do so!

2007-09-16 07:52:11 · 13 answers · asked by Totally_Orton 3

If the ECW make an effort to split from the WWE.and .TNA wrestlers attack someone like The Undertaker to shorten the WWE roster..which wrestlers would you send to chill things out?

2007-09-16 07:04:58 · 7 answers · asked by JoeBlack 4

2007-09-16 06:49:02 · 5 answers · asked by barry m 6

Ok, so as we all know John Cena is currently the WWE Champion. What I want to do is make a game sort of thing out of this. MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND BEFORE YOU PLAY:

So were gonna start with John Cena, the next answerer has to name a title that Cena also has had. The next person after that has to name a person who hasn't had the title that the 2nd person named, and continue like that. here is an example:

Me: Chris Benoit
Answerer 1: U.S Championship
Answerer 2: Triple H
Answerer 3: World Heavyweight Championship
Answerer 4: Bobby Lashley
Answerer 5: ECW Championship
Answerer 6: RVD

And continue like that. Always check to make sure that your answer is correct so the game does not get screwed up. KK here we go, remember, start with John Cena, now the first answerer must name a title that Cena has had

2007-09-16 05:27:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Which American wrestler is credited with being the first to use the sharpshooter/scorpion deathlock?
2. What is Japanese wrestler MIKAMI known for? (well, not exactly known for, but a signature of his can be seen on Smackdown)
3. What do Mitsuharu Misawa, Kenta Kobashi and Scott Steiner have in common?
4. Which American legend once attempted to urinate in a trash can at a crowded Tokyo train station?
5. What event occured to make the Japanese God of Wrestling unpopular with American promoters?

2007-09-16 02:19:33 · 3 answers · asked by Keyring 7

Say a non-wrestling fan wanted to get into wrestling because he/she thought it was cool (humour me), and you had one hour to convince them of the awesomeness of pro wrestling, as well as footage to everything wrestling, ever. What would you show them to fill in the hour? Matches, promos, official video montages, whatever.

2007-09-16 01:26:02 · 17 answers · asked by Keyring 7

Unforgiven is on today/tomorrow depending where you live in the world. The card is from my memory
Burke v Punk
Duece and Domino v MVP and Hardy
Carlito v Triple H
Henry v Undertaker
Beth v Candice
Orton v Cena
Kahli v Rey v Batista

My predictions are

-Punk (match has no hype at all and will be solid no doubt but I see Punk retaining)

-Duece and Domino( i expect to see MVP turn on Matt and walk out on him)

-triple H (Made Shelton look weak on Raw and made Carlito look like a jobber on Raw, i mean Carlito coundn't even sneak attack him to me thats bad booking because it makes Carlito look like a joke)

-Taker(Do i need to explain why?)

-Candice (beth is too green)

-Cena(now this match is up in the air but i think WWE will have Cena retain to continue this heated rivalry)

-Kahli(I see kahli dropping the belt to Taker in the next few months)

I don't know if Hornswoggle v Noble or Cade & Murdoch v Londrick is on the card.

2007-09-16 01:15:25 · 11 answers · asked by The Perfect One! 5

Also if possible what types of paint brushes, how does he apply etc. I think he applys the white first, and then the black lines.

2007-09-16 00:06:15 · 2 answers · asked by lonchaney22 2

Or do you think he is just too damn old now?

2007-09-15 21:22:06 · 14 answers · asked by Smackdown 1

2007-09-15 20:12:27 · 27 answers · asked by Cincyfan0591 4

You Voted And Your Choices Are Ready To Do Battle In Round Two!
Jushin Thunder Liger Vs Kid Kash
Tajiri Vs Matt Hardy
Ultimo Dragon Vs Paul London
Hurricane Helms Vs Chris Sabin
Tiger Mask Vs Billy Kidman
Flyin Brian Pillman Vs Taka Michonoku
Juventud Guerrera Vs Alex Shelley
The Dynamite Kid Vs Petey Williams The Canadian Destroyer
Your Votes Determine Tomorrow's Quarterfinals
Have Fun!

2007-09-15 17:22:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

You Voted The Winners Are Now Ready To Face Off In Their Quarterfinal Matches....
And Since There Were TWO Ties 10 teams had to advance
The Quarterfinals Begin Now
The Dudley Boys Vs Edge & Christian
The Road Warriors Vs AJ Styles & Chris Daniels
Demolition Vs The Motor City Machine Guns
The Midnight Express Vs RVD & Sabu
The Brothers Of Destruction Vs The Fabulous Freebird
The Semifinals Will Be Tomorrow Night Based On Your Votes!
Have Fun
And Thanks For All The Great Responses And Positive Feedback So Far

2007-09-15 16:56:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do you say :john cena is pretty cool but i hate the way randy orton attacks random cena fans or randy orton haters but hulk hogan vs johnny the truth vs. pacman jones would be good even though mick foley should go on a diet coause a dude that old needs to lose all that 200 pounds oh and wwe vs. tna would be super special and very friggin awesome i love wrestling its so realistin but its fake i know so shut up all you haters man. first one to write all of that BACKWARDS wins 10 points. think its hard? well im giving out a challenge every week.

2007-09-15 16:48:29 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3

A wretler named imposter kane came but what happend to him later he just vanished he never came back again?

2007-09-15 15:34:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-15 15:26:38 · 22 answers · asked by GGilmore4 3

How do you unlock ECW and Sarurday's night main event in the game?

2007-09-15 13:40:04 · 6 answers · asked by Kate 3

that would help the isniess of they did

2007-09-15 11:21:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

suck it

2007-09-15 11:15:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Degeneration X is no more, and now X-Pac want HBK's IC title!

I want you to write out how this match will go down, the best storyline will receive 10 points!

2007-09-15 11:15:19 · 7 answers · asked by minnesotagrave 3

Warior and the Boogeyman in the same ring? Scary!

I want you to write out how this match will go down, the best storyline will receive 10 points!

2007-09-15 11:13:31 · 2 answers · asked by minnesotagrave 3

and wins the ecw tittle back in his first match after the return. jeff hardy does it all the time after being suspensed so can morrison

2007-09-15 11:09:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

undertaker, kane, great khali, big show, big daddy v, or mark henry

2007-09-15 11:08:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers