Welcome 2 FTWF Monday Night Live as we r 1 week away from r ppv sunday, Final Destination. "Ladies and gentleman, this is your opening contest live on FTWF Monday Night Live. It is scheduled 4 1 fall. Introducing 1st, representing Hillman University, Ron Johnson! And making his way 2 the entrance ramp, Principal Seymour Skinner!" Skinner walks out 2 the ramp. "Thank u, Thank u. Hello mother, I luv u. Ladies and gentlemen, FTWF fans around the world, I introduce 2 u 1/2 of the FTWF Tag Team Champions of the world, and representing Springfield's Most Wanted, Jimbo Jones!" Jimbo and Skinner head 2 the ring and Jimbo slides in a nails Ron w/a clothesline. He stomps away at Ron b-4 pulling him 2 his feet and shooting Ron off the ropes. Back elbow by Jimbo followed by a scoop body slam. Cover. 2 count. Jimbo pulls Ron up by the hair and lands a series of 4arm shots 2 Ron's face. Ron fights back w/punches of his own b-4 nailing a dropkick. Ron locks in a rear chinlock. Gotta take a break. Brb
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da realest