family physician MNP has prescribed hydrocodone for my husbands neck and back pain(no surgery recommended even when he saw a neorologist.xrays,mri,ect have been done and still nothing but hydrocodone for 13 years. we were informed sept. 25 2006 that the physician will not be able to fill the prescription ever again (any narcotic substance).alot of rumors why but im not sure the real reason but it cant be good. he visited a real doctor and he told my husband to drink 2 beers with a hydrodone and it would help the pain ( i was like, what kind of **** is this ?) he then went to see a nuerologist on oct. 6 2006. ask all kinds of questions ect. ordered an mri. a nerve study. but wouldnt give him any pain medications, till the test results.we didnt know how addictive hydrocodone is till i read about it. this is serious. 13 yrs pain meds,hes in alot pain but nothing for pain. i want to know preferrably from an another doctor/attorney if something can be done in this case .
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