I keep asking this question and people have given me nice answers but still does NOT help. On my PC Tomb Raider Legend, I'm at King Arthur's lake with the serpent. After shooting the bell and distracting the serpent, I CANNOT LET GO OF THE PISTOLS QUICK ENOUGH TO USE MY GRAPPER. By the time Lara puts away the pistols and I can use the grappler, the serpent is no longer distracted. I have tried using the Z-key which creates a red circle with dot in the middle. If I push the Q-key fast enough, Lara will throw the grappler. However, while firing after pressing the Z-key, I cannot see what the serpent is doing because the screen shot is narrowed. IS THERE ANY WAY TO HIT THE SERPENT WITH THE CAGES WITHOUT FIRING ON THE BELLS FIRST? IN OTHER WORDS, CAN THE SERPENT BE HIT WITH THE CAGES WHILE NOT DISTRACTED?
1 answers
asked by
marky m