me and my boyfriend had a fight one day , then we broke up , later then he came and talked to me .. as if loving me and he changed for me for the better then one day he french kissed me at that time i felt happy because it like showed that he loved me but i was sad because i felt i did something wrong without my parents knowing. later , he came and talked to me and told me that he's my brother's friend and apologized for the kiss because he didn't know i was his friend's sister , after that he didn't talk to me for 4 days then he called me and told me and can't live without hearing your voice lets just be friends, i said no because i felt the kiss was something wrong i did with him so i talked about getting married after i said that he started acting wierd and doesn't call and when i called him he said that he was in a country where i was and lied because he doesn't wanna see me ! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ..and i can't forget his kiss to me ! and i never loved anyone that much .plz help me !
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