Stick a pony in me pocket, I'll fetch the suitcase from the van.
Cos if you want the best 'uns, but you don't ask questions,
Then brother, I'm your man. 'Cos where it all comes from is a mystery,
It's like the changin' of the seasons, and the tides of the sea.
But here's the one that's drivin' me beserk, Why do only fools and horses work?
La-la-la. La-lala-la. La-la-la. La-lala-la.
We've got some half price cracked ice and miles and miles of carpet tiles,
T.V.s, deep freeze and David Bowie L.P.s,
Ball games, gold chains, whatsnames, pictures frames and leather goods,
And Trevor Francis track suits from a mush in Shepherds Bush,
Bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush ...
No income tax, no V.A.T., no money back, no guarantee,
Black or white, rich or poor, we'll cut prices at a stroke,
God bless Hooky Street. Viva Hooky Street. Long live Hooky Street.
C'est magnifique, Hooky Street, Magnifique, Hooky Street, Hooky Street (to fade)
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