On Friday, I took a late lunch and came back to the office around 3. It's a small office, and there are only 5 of us total. Two were out for the week on spring break vacations with their kids. When I came back, I heard noise coming from a closed door at the end of the hall - it's a conference room. I opened the door and there's my boss (who is married) with his secretary and they're in - let's put it politely - a very compromising position. I shut the door, but they both saw me. I left the office right away, and now I'm wondering how to handle this on Monday. I need the job, and I don't want to be fired. As far as I'm concerned, it's their business. On the other hand, I think that they are both embarrassed and probably now feel that I've got something on them. That can't be good for my future. Would I be smart to start looking for another job?
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